Молодежный инновационный вестник
Учредитель: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Воронежский государственный медицинский университет имени Н.Н. Бурденко» Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации
Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ ПИ № ТУ 36-00228 от 22 декабря 2011 года
Адрес: 394036, г. Воронеж, ул. Студенческая, 10
Главный редактор: Андреев Александр Алексеевич - доктор медицинских наук, профессор кафедры общей и амбулаторной хирургии
Издается с 2011 г. Периодичность выхода: 2 выпуска в год
ISSN: 2415-7805 (print)
Издатель: ФГБОУ ВО ВГМУ им. Н.Н. Бурденко Минздрава России
Current Issue
Vol 13, No 2 (2024): Материалы XVII Международной научно-практической конференции молодых ученых-медиков СОВА-2024
- Year: 2024
- Articles: 82
- URL: https://new.vestnik-surgery.com/index.php/2415-7805/issue/view/212
Full Issue
СОВА - 2024
Difficulties of early-stage colorectal cancer diagnostics
Benign neoplasms of the rectum are true neoplasias of the intestinal mucosa and are obligate precancerous diseases of the colon. Approximately 10% of adenomatous rectal polyps transform into adenocarcinoma. Colorectal cancer is one of the leading cancer diseases in terms of morbidity and mortality. Despite visual localization, most malignant tumors of the rectum are detected only at late stages. The purpose of the work was to demonstrate a clinical situation that confirms the possibility of transition of a benign tumor with foci of high-grade dysplasia of the rectum into a malignant one. For this purpose, an analysis of medical documentation was carried out: inpatient and outpatient cards of the State Budgetary Institution "City Clinical Hospital No. 6" of the city of Tver, data from additional examination methods. The result of histological examinations carried out during the observation of the patient was a polyp of the lower ampullary rectum. Subsequently, a planned operation was performed; the surgical material revealed a serrated adenoma of the ampullary rectum with high-grade neoplasia and adenocarcinoma in situ. The clinical situation confirms the possible path of transformation of a rectal polyp with a high degree of intraepithelial neoplasia into a malignant neoplasm.

Medical and social portrait of a woman having a third or more pregnancy
Introduction. Current changes in the life of a modern woman are supported by various social and everyday aspects and affect her physical and psychological health. The purpose of this study is to compile a medical and social portrait of a woman who has a third or more pregnancy. Materials and methods. 64 birth histories of women with a third or more pregnancies were studied. Results. Determining the structure of various social and household indicators of each woman's life: age, social status, education and work, bad habits, height and weight, menstrual cycle. Conclusions. This information will help healthcare organizations to establish effective work in the field of maternity care with the possibility of further individualization of the pregnancy management plan.

Analysis of childbirth and the condition of newborns in women with a third or more pregnancies
Introduction. This article analyzes the condition of newborns in women belonging to different age groups, but having a third or more pregnancy. Goal. Analysis of the condition of newborns born in the third or more pregnancies. Materials and methods. Primary medical documentation (birth histories, newborn histories, exchange cards). Results. Height, weight, as well as the presence of pathological conditions of the newborn, make it possible to develop certain tactics of childbirth in women of this group and timely prevention of complications of childbirth. Conclusions. The information obtained will help in providing effective care to premature infants, organizing the work of staff at perinatal centers and improving the level of equipment of healthcare organizations, which will be able to reduce infant and maternal mortality rates.

The most common pathologies in women with a third or more pregnancies
Introduction. Today, in modern society, there is a tendency to reduce the number of children in the family. In this article, the main purpose of the work is to study the course of pregnancy in women of different age groups, for whom the current pregnancy was the third or more. Materials and methods. The main method was the study of medical records (birth history). Results. In this study, 64 birth histories of women aged 21 to 45 years were studied. The work examines concomitant somatic and gynecological pathologies, as well as developing complications in pregnant women. Conclusions. The majority of women are over the age of 30 and there is a certain susceptibility to the development of complications of pregnancy and childbirth

Physiological adaptation and maladaptation of students in medical university
Introduction. Physiological adaptation is a complex and multifaceted process that can cause significant difficulties for university students. Exceeding the body's capabilities can disrupt the adaptation process, cause disadaptation and negatively affect the health and performance of students. Goal of the work. Assess the physiological adaptation of students to physical and mental work, determine effective methods for preventing maladjustment. Materials and methods. The study group consisted of 350 students (1st-3rd year), aged 17-20 years. Adaptation to physical work was assessed using functional breathing tests; Harvard Step Test Index (HST). Results. The physiological adaptation of students to physical and mental work has been assessed, and effective methods for preventing maladaptation have been identified. Conclusion. Physiological adaptation and maladaptation of students depends on the physical and mental state of the body, motivation for professional activity.

Influence of Neuropeptide Therapy on the Emotional State of Patients After Stroke
The topic of the psycho-emotional state of patients after a stroke is relevant as it remains a major factor complicating the rehabilitation process. Objective. To study the corrective influence of the neuropeptide drug Cortexin on the emotional state of patients in the acute period of stroke. Materials and Methods. An open randomized clinical trial was conducted with 63 participants aged 40-80 years with a newly diagnosed radiologically confirmed ischemic stroke. Each participant received standard basic therapy. Patients in the main group (n=33) additionally received Cortexin 20mg once a day for 10 days. The effectiveness of Cortexin was determined using the emotional behavior index. Results. On the 21st day, patients who received Cortexin noted a better mental state compared to the control group. Thus, the level of sadness among these patients was 12.1% (4 out of 33), while in the control group this indicator reached 46.6% (14 out of 30), p<0.05. Indifference and passivity were observed in 3% of patients (1 out of 33) who received Cortexin, which is significantly lower than in the control group respectively 26.6% (8 out of 30), p<0.05. Aggression was also lower among patients who received Cortexin - 9% (3 out of 33), compared to 16.6% (5 out of 30) in the control group, p<0.05. The level of disinhibition was the same in both groups - 3% (1 out of 33 and 1 out of 30). Adaptation was high in both groups, but among patients who received Cortexin, it was higher - 85% (28 out of 33), compared to 66.6% (20 out of 30), p<0.05. Conclusions: The use of the neuropeptide-containing drug Cortexin as part of basic therapy contributes to a significant improvement in the emotional state of patients in the acute period of stroke.

Mast cells in heart and lung tissues of COVID-19 patients
Introduction. Mast cells (MCs) are one of the substrate components that infiltrates lung tissue during the new coronavirus infection (NCI) COVID-19. Cardiac damage also occurs in this pathology, but little is known about the role of MCs in this process. Goal. To analyze the relationship between MC phenotypes in the lungs and heart in patients who died from COVID-19. Materials and methods. The study included 40 patients diagnosed with severe and extremely severe NCI with a fatal outcome (21 men and 19 women; mean age 66.65 ± 7.40 years). The death of all included patients occurred due to acute distress syndrome. Immunohistochemical analysis was performed to detect tryptase, chymase, and carboxypeptidase A3 (CPA3). Results. The number of all MC phenotypes was more prevalent in the lungs compared to heart tissues (p=0.0000). Among all phenotypes, MCs with signs of degranulation predominated. Correlations were also identified between the number of chymase-positive and CPA3-positive MCs in samples of lung and cardiac tissue. Conclusions. MCs of all phenotypes predominated in lung tissue. Along with this, direct relationships were observed between their amounts in the heart and lungs, which may indicate a proportional involvement of the heart in the systemic inflammatory process in patients with COVID-19.

Intraventional fetal hibernation and anesthesia of labor. The review of modern views of domestic and foreign authors is presented.
Actuality: Every day, most women in labor complain of unbearable pain and demand a solution to this problem, to which the medical staff agrees, often without thinking about the consequences. Anesthesia of childbirth is an important aspect of obstetric care, as it has a significant impact on the process, quality, result and cost of medical care for childbirth. From these positions, one of the most urgent problems that have not been fully resolved and require new research is the effectiveness and safety of anesthesiological care during delivery of pregnant women through the natural birth canal. An improperly chosen or unnecessarily used method of analgesia can serve as a subsequent dispatch of the newborn to the intensive care unit or can cause serious diseases of the nervous system due to birth injuries.The purpose of the work: The study of various expert opinions on pain management techniques during delivery and their impact on intrapartum hibernation of the fetus.Materials and methods of research: A theoretical analysis of scientific research, a detailed study of domestic and foreign studies on the effect of anesthesia of childbirth on intrapartum hibernation of the fetus, as well as a comparative analysis of the opinions of modern authors on this subject and the formulation of their own opinion on this subject.Results: As a result of the analysis, it turned out that the authors often tend to believe that modern methods of anesthesia of childbirth practically do not affect the process of fetal hibernation, although there is a certain percentage of fetal hypoxia.Conclusion: Due to its greater safety and effectiveness, one of the most popular methods in modern obstetric practice is epidural analgesia.

The influence of toxic products of electronic cigarettes on the human body
Actuality: A typical representative of a new class of devices is iQOS, developed using “Heat-Not-Burn” (HNB) technology. Electronic cigarettes consist of three elements: a heater (also known as a stick holder), a tobacco stick and a charger. The sticks contain reduced tobacco, glycerin and propylene glycol. Cellulose fibers, guar gum and flavorings may also be added. The stick contains a hollow acetate filter, behind which there is polylactide, which should reduce the heating temperature]. It is almost impossible to prevent the process of harmful substances entering due to the design of the cigarette.
The purpose of the work: to study the effects of harmful substances and decay products of electronic cigarettes on the human body.
Material and methods: analysis of the collected literature, scientific articles and recommendations, study of the chemical composition of electronic systems for smoking.
Results: the study showed that e-cigarettes can cause serious organ disorders and diseases in humans, as well as increase the risk of secondhand smoke.
Conclusion: Smoking conventional and electronic cigarettes negatively affects human health, causing changes in the functioning of all organs and tissues, stimulating the development of severe systemic diseases and increasing the risk of cancer. E-cigarettes also contribute to the development of nicotine addiction. Quitting smoking is the most correct decision to maintain health.

Study of the influence of auxiliary substances in the development of dietary supplement of butyric acid
Introduction. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common gastrointestinal (GI) disorder in developed countries, with morbidity ranging from 20% to 50% of people aged 25-50 years. One of the reasons for this problem is the lack of universal methods of symptomatic and pathogenetic treatment. Objective. Development of technology for obtaining an oral delivery form of butyric acid and selection of necessary auxiliary substances for replenishing the deficiency of the active substance in the large intestine. Materials and methods. A literature search was performed to determine the role and functions of the use of butyric acid and its salt sodium butyrate in GI diseases. A delivery form using wet granulation method was developed. Results. Literature review determined the effect of butyric acid in the treatment of GI disorders elucidated its ability to restore cell metabolism and normal intestinal microflora, which is used in various disorders. Several formulations have been obtained. The presence of the natural polymer sodium alginate provided modification of the release due to its swelling and formation of pores through which the active component was released. The composition without the polymer component did not possess prolonged release, it was immediately destroyed when exposed to the acidic environment of the stomach. Conclusions. As a result of the conducted researches the influence of auxiliary substances changing solubility, disintegrability, strength during tablet preparation was determined. The qualitative and quantitative composition was developed and selected, and the technology of obtaining an oral delivery form of butyric acid with prolonged release was worked out.

Vitamin D receptor gene rs1544410 polymorphism and autoimmune thyroiditis in women
Introduction. Genetic factors play an important role in the development of autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT). Polymorphisms of the vitamin D gene (VDR) may be pathogenetically significant in this disease. Target. To study the genetic polymorphism rs1544410 of the VDR gene among women with autoimmune thyroiditis. Materials and methods. We examined 373 women whose age indicators (Me [Q1-Q3]) were 49 [35-62] years. Detection of VDR gene polymorphism (rs1544410) was carried out using the polymerase chain reaction method in real time. Statistical analysis of the results was carried out using the Medstat statistical software package. Results. Analysis of molecular genetic studies showed that the genotype frequencies of the studied polymorphism corresponded to the Hardy–Weinberg law and did not differ from the expected values (p>0.05). There was no association between polymorphic variants of the VDR gene and AIT in a group of postmenopausal women. However, among women of reproductive age, AIT showed an association with the GG genotype (p = 0.043) and the G allele (p = 0.041) of the rs1544410 polymorphism. Conclusions. The results obtained indicate that the presence of the G allele and the GG genotype of the rs1544410 polymorphism of the VDR gene increases the likelihood of autoimmune thyroid disease in women of reproductive age.

Individual features of the structure of the first cervical vertebra (atlanta
Introduction. In this article, the first cervical vertebra (Atlas) is considered, and anomalies are studied, where instead of a furrow for the subclavian artery located on the posterior arch of the Atlas, there was a semicanal and a canal. The cranio-vertebral region, which includes the occipital bone and the first two cervical vertebrae, is often the site of various pathological processes. Often, in 10% of cases, various anomalies of the first cervical vertebra (Atlanta) occur, which lead to the development of vascular disorders and neurological complications. The goal of this study is to analyze the anatomical variability of the first cervical vertebra in an adult. Materials and methods. For the study, the first cervical vertebrae were used in the amount of 20 pieces, which were taken from the corpses of embalmed people of different genders and ages. Results. On 15 anatomical specimens, the posterior arch had two identical furrows (left and right) through which the vertebral artery passed. On 4 preparations, a semi-channel was observed at the site of the vertebral furrow. It was revealed that a canal was observed on one preparation of the first cervical vertebra. Conclusions. Thus, the study of the morphology of the cranio-vertebral region, the first cervical vertebra, has important scientific and practical significance, allowing us to develop a pathogenetic justification for circulatory disorders of the cerebral part of the head.

The possibility of using a subjective assessment by parents of the child's psychophysical state
The main task of conscious parents who hear and respect their child is his harmonious development. An important aspect in the formation of personality is the psychophysical state of the younger generation. Who, if not a parent, can notice their child's reaction to changing external and internal stimuli in time when achieving a particular result and react quickly to it? Due to the timely and correct assessment of the child's condition by parents, it is possible to prevent the development of many diseases.
The purpose is to analyze the possibility of using subjective opinion in an objective assessment of the psychophysical state of primary school children.
1247 questionnaires of children aged 6-12 years were studied on the basis of the IOCC MR. For the purpose of discrete analysis, the questionnaire forms were divided into groups: grades 1-3 – 823 questionnaires, grades 4-7 – 424 questionnaires. In the course of the study, 2 types of questionnaires were used: 1 - for a subjective assessment by parents of the level of the child's psychophysical state, 2 - for an objective assessment of the children's dexterity, which was a test with questions. As a result of the survey, the predominance of "dexterous" boys and girls over awkward ones was revealed. As for the morbidity of children, it coincides (for the most part) in both sexes, regardless of age category, but over time there is a tendency to manifest diseases of the musculoskeletal system and heart.
It was also found out that the boys of the first group have a predominant passion for swimming in sports, the second for martial arts, and the girls of both the first and second groups have a dance direction. Thus, in order to assess the psychophysical state of children's health, the subjective opinion of parents can be used, since it coincides statistically.

Analysis of anomalies in the dental system
The eruption of permanent teeth is an important stage in the development of a child, which can be accompanied by various defects. Teething abnormalities can lead to physiological disorders of chewing functions, aesthetic defects and other problems. The purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of abnormalities associated with teething disorders, to identify the dependence of the occurrence of these pathologies on gender and age. The results of a survey of 36 people and studies of cone-beam computed tomography of children and adolescents were analyzed in order to identify developmental abnormalities. The results of the study showed that the most common anomaly is dystopia, which accounts for about 41% of the total number of studied cases. It is important to note that the development of this pathology does not depend on gender and can manifest itself in children and adolescents aged 10 to 14 years, when the eruption of permanent teeth ends and dentition is formed. In addition to dystopia, primary adentia, retention and overcomplicated teeth are also quite common anomalies. The reasons for the development of these anomalies can be diverse. They may be hereditary or the result of past illnesses or injuries. It is important to note that early detection and treatment of these abnormalities are important for the proper development of the dental system and maintaining oral health.

The study of reproductive attitudes of medical students
Introduction. The negative dynamics of the reproductive health of adolescents and young people sharply reduces the prospects for the population to implement their reproductive plans for the reproduction of future generations. The purpose of the study is to study the reproductive attitudes of medical students. Materials and methods. An anonymous online survey of 137 medical students, based on a specially designed questionnaire. Results. The respondents were mostly girls aged 18-25. Almost half of the respondents have a positive attitude towards starting a family, and a large proportion plan to have children in the future. More than a third of respondents are neutral about marriage, but almost one in five does not plan to get married. They believe that it is necessary to get married and give birth to the first child in 20-25 years, and most plan to have 2 children. The most effective measures to support the demographic situation are considered to be the availability of expert information on the preservation of reproductive health of the population, the formation of reproductive attitudes, the prevention of unwanted pregnancies, as well as medical, psychological and pedagogical measures aimed at preparing young people for a happy marriage, conscious parenthood. Conclusions. There is a need to develop and implement measures aimed at improving the system of early detection of disorders in the development of children, focusing primary health care on the prevention of reproductive disorders in adolescents and youth, introducing medical, psychological and pedagogical measures into the work of educational and medical organizations aimed at shaping the reproductive behavior of the younger generation, developing organizational approaches to the formation of valuex installations for a positive demographic response.

The correlation of depression and gastrointestinal symptoms among students of medical faculty
Introduction.Currently, students are increasingly facing mental health problems. Depression can seriously affect eating habits, which can lead to various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. The goal of this study is to assess dietary habits and levels of depression in Faculty of Medicine students with gastrointestinal symptoms. Materials and methods. An anonymous survey of 100 students was conducted by filling out online questionnairesHospital scale of anxiety and depression, Manual CINDI among students of 2-4 courses of the NSMU Faculty of Medicine. The study included 74% (n = 74) of girls and 26% (n = 26) of boys aged 19 to 24, with an average age of 20.33 (± 0.93) years. Results. Signs of depression were detected in 18% of medical students (subclinical/clinically pronounced depression), which is comparable to the literature. Clinically pronounced depression increases the chances of having a belching symptom( p = 0.022), constipation (p = 0,026). Conclusions. The results of the study show that depression plays an important role in the development of gastrointestinal symptoms.

Allergic reactions when using anesthetics in therapeutic dentistry
Introduction. The development of dental technologies and pain management methods plays a key role in achieving effective and comfortable treatment. New methods of anesthesia help to reduce pain of patients during procedures, as well as provide more accurate and safe operations. The goal of this study is the determination of the frequency of allergy to local anesthetics during dental interventions and treatment planning at the stage of anesthesia, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. Materials and methods. During the year, the analysis of medical records of patients who received treatment at a dental clinic in Voronezh was carried out, after which the incidence of patients with allergic reactions to local anesthetics was determined. Results. The frequency of allergic reactions to local anesthetics during various dental procedures was determined. The main manifestations of allergic reactions during the use of anesthetics were identified. Conclusions. Data have been obtained on anesthetics, allergic reactions to which are most common. The use of the obtained data will reduce the negative impact of local anesthesia on the patient's body as a whole, on individual systems and organs, and will also reduce the risk of complications.

Comparative assessment of compliance with the rules of personal hygiene by students of medical universities in 2020 and 2024
For a long period of human existence, from ancient Greece to the present day, personal hygiene has been one of the important aspects of people's daily lives. On the territory of Kievan Rus, personal hygiene was given more attention than in Medieval Europe. This affected the widespread spread of particularly dangerous infections in European lands and did not affect the territories occupied by the Russian-speaking population. Every person, starting from childhood, is accustomed to the rules of daily personal hygiene. Their implementation has a significant positive impact on the well-being, health and well-being of a person. Personal hygiene consists of several aspects, such as body, hair, hand care procedures, regular change of clothes, dental and oral care. Daily observance of these simple rules helps a person feel comfortable and prevents the development of diseases. Future healthcare professionals should be well aware of personal hygiene issues, as they will have to explain to future patients the need to comply with these rules and monitor their implementation in everyday life.

Features of diagnostics of acute intestinal obstruction
Objective. To analyze the turnover of patients with acute intestinal obstruction in surgical departments of Ivanovo region from 2020 to 2022. Materials and methods. Theoretical and empirical methods: Study of literature and other sources of information. Collection of data on the study from all kinds of paper media and the Internet. Survey: in questionnaire format. Results. Etiology of acute intestinal obstruction, types and features were studied. A sociological survey of the population of Ivanovo city was conducted. The obtained statistical data for the periods from 2020 to 2022 of surgical departments of Ivanovo region hospitals were evaluated. Conclusions. Acute intestinal obstruction was and remains today one of the main diseases of emergency surgery (10 - 13% of cases.) To date, late application for surgical help of patients with acute intestinal obstruction is a serious problem in surgical treatment and prevention of complications in patients. (65 - 67% of cases). The availability of mass media and the Internet has a negative impact on the timely treatment of emergency surgical diseases. This disease remains little known among the population of Ivanovo, however, many of the respondents believe that inaction can lead to lethal outcome.

Manifesto 343 fiction or a document that changed every woman's life.
Introduction. Disputes about the role of women are conducted every day. Women play an important role in different spheres of life such as family, work, education, politics and media. We will explore their social roles, gender equality issues, women's impact on societal development and their health. We will dive into the topic and try to understand how women contribute to society and what challenges they face along the way. Abortion is a topic of concern at all times, touching on ethical, legal and religious norms. From antiquity to the present day, there has been debate about how legal it is to kill an already conceived life. The first norms about abortion were stated as early as Hippocrates "I ... will not hand any woman an abortifacient pessary." But some philosophers, such as Aristotle, tended to believe that abortion was permissible for certain indications until sensitivity had developed in the embryo. Once the fetus was given civil rights, abortion became equated with murder and severely punished, thus encouraging women to perform abortions clandestinely. Objective. In the course of a social survey to find out the attitude of modern society to abortion intervention and to form the public's knowledge about Simone de Beauvoir. Materials and Methods. Theoretical and practical methods: Study of literature and other sources of information. Collection of information on the topic of the study from books, magazines, newspapers, disks and the Internet. Survey: questionnaire survey Results. Ethical and deontological principles of formation of internal beliefs of the individual were studied. A sociological survey of the population of Ivanovo was conducted. Knowledge about Simone de Beauvoir was formed. Conclusions. Modern society is now loyal to the female role, allowing us to conquer more and more peaks, one day, and perhaps very soon women will be open to all spheres of life. Women have been sidelined for years by a patriarchal society. Fortunately, many have decided not to put up with this and have broken the old ways of thinking. The emergence of new professions, the rapid development of information technology, the equality that women have finally achieved, and the expanding feminist movement have all been the impetus for redefining the role of women in today's world. For the year 2024, 53.5% of men and 46.5% of women participated in the "attitudes toward abortion" survey for Russia, with people over the age of 25 predominating among those surveyed. Among them, 41% of respondents were in favor of abortion for medical or social reasons, 21% were against artificial termination of pregnancy, and the remaining 38% had a neutral attitude to the situation. On the question of the admissibility of abortion in minors, 52% were against and 48% in favor of abortion intervention. However, on the admissibility of abortion in a girl with low social responsibility, 78.9% voted in favor of abortion, 16.9% were against, and there were also those 4.2% who were neutral. When asked that every woman gives birth to a child for herself, 53.5% were in favor of this statement and 46.5% were against, considering the birth of a child as a decision of both partners.

The impact of gadgets on human life. Modern technologies - making life easier or mass degradation?
Introduction. In the modern world, mankind cannot imagine its life without a phone, computer, smart watch, etc. We use gadgets for various reasons, to learn some new information, to facilitate math calculation, to contact the people we need anywhere and at any time, to distract ourselves, to have fun, to cook a new dish. But are gadgets so useful for a person? Maybe the facilitation of life hides human degradation and helplessness, which will lead mankind to extinction? Objective. To identify the impact of gadgets on human life, health, cognitive functions. Materials and Methods. Theoretical and practical methods: Study of literature and other sources of information. Collection of information on the topic of research from books, magazines, newspapers, disks and the Internet. Survey: questionnaire survey. Results. Literature sources were searched, the data were analyzed. The survey, questionnaire. Conclusions. The use of gadgets in the modern world makes life easier, however, many of the respondents are examples of cognitive decline. Among those surveyed participated at the age of 18 years and over 30 years. Of these, 55.9% use gadgets for more than 5 hours a day daily, 32.4% for 3-5 hours, 11.8% for 1-2 hours. Gadgets are used for communication purposes 88.2%, searching information 82.4%, watching YouTube 82.4%, working 70.6%, playing games 47.1%, watching a movie 44.1%. When asked whether people can live without gadgets for 1 day, 73.5% said they could, 14.7% could not and 11.8% found it difficult to answer.

The structure of research on the issue of predicting the development of complications in the defeat of the facial nerve at the moment
Introduction. Lesions of the facial nerve at the present stage represent one of the most frequently diagnosed pathologies of the peripheral nervous system. They are the second most common of all diseases of the peripheral nervous system and the first of cranial nerve lesions. Goal. Based on the available specialized literature, to analyze the frequency and structure of studies of facial nerve pathology on the issue of predicting the development of complications. Materials and methods. 1000 consecutive studies presented in the search engine "Pub. med." with the stated requests: "VII pair of cranial nerves"/"facial nerve" ("VII cranial nerve"/("facial nerve"). The specified list of analyzed sources of specialized literature includes: periodicals for the last 15 years, as well as basic manuals and monographs without a statute of limitations. Results. Of the total number of analyzed papers, 21 publications are devoted to predicting complications of facial nerve damage, which is 4.2%. At the same time, none of these publications presents the results obtained on the basis of the principles of evidence-based medicine. Conclusions. The results of the analysis determined the research plan for the improvement of known and the development of new prognostic tests for the earliest determination of the possibility of complications and timely correction of treatment and rehabilitation measures.

Modifiable risk factors for thrombosis in Tyumen women
Abstract: Relevance. The article discusses modifiable risk factors for thrombosis in women of reproductive age in the city of Tyumen outside pregnancy. The relevance of the study is due to the increase in cases of venous thromboembolic complications and the incidence of venous thromboembolic complications in 110 per 100,000 people in the Russian Federation.
The aim of the work is to assess the prevalence of modifiable risk factors for thrombosis among women of fertile age living in the city of Tyumen.
Materials and methods. A questionnaire was conducted on the modifiable risk factor for thrombosis among women aged 18 to 35 years (n=101). The results were processed using the Microsoft Office Excel 2007 program.
The results of the study. 85.4% of women in the survey have modifiable risk factors for thrombosis. The most significant risk factors are physical inactivity (41.6%), smoking (32.7%), and changes in BMI (28.71%). Chronic diseases also affect the development of venous thromboembolic complications: cardiovascular (11.98%), endocrine (5.94%), gastrointestinal tract (10.98%).
Conclusion. Thus, the majority of respondents have modifiable risk factors for thrombosis. In order to reduce the risk of thromboembolic complications, prevent thrombosis in early pregnancy, and reduce maternal mortality, risk factors for venous thromboembolic complications should be identified and adjusted in advance. The prevention of reducing risk factors are: quitting smoking, the need to carefully assess risk factors when prescribing combined oral contraceptives, rational nutrition and weight control, as well as combating physical inactivity in the form of an active lifestyle and taking 10,000 steps a day.
Keywords: modifiable risk factors; thrombosis

Clinical evaluation of the effectiveness of using domestic gel in the treatment of dental demineralization
Introduction. The article proposes the treatment of demineralization using a domestic gel. The data obtained can provide valuable information for further treatment of this pathology. Demineralization is the process of destruction of enamel due to the loss of minerals, primarily such as calcium and phosphorus. As a result of the dissociation of the mineral components of the enamel, the crystalline structure is destroyed. This process is a harbinger of the formation of caries. The purpose of this study is to conduct an experimental and clinical assessment of the effectiveness of using the domestic, Voronezh gel “Kormed” for the treatment of dental demineralization. Experimental and clinical approaches will be used to critically evaluate the results and identify the practical relevance of the proposed treatment. Materials and methods. The experimental method includes: studying the chemical and physical properties of this “Cormed” gel, studying its composition, concentration of active components, and the degree of interaction with tooth enamel in laboratory conditions. The clinical method includes: the participation of patients with diagnosed dental demineralization. Patients will be asked to undergo complex treatment using the domestic gel “Cormed” in accordance with the protocol for its use. Results. Remineralizing gel "Cormed" has shown its effectiveness in treating the initial stages of dental demineralization. Conclusions. The use of Cormed gel helps restore the mineral balance of enamel and prevents further development of caries. However, for more accurate conclusions, it is necessary to conduct additional studies and expand the clinical base.

Minimization of injuries of the musculoskeletal system in physical education classes
This paper examined methods for minimizing injuries in physical education classes in higher educational institutions, and also presented an analysis of a survey of Volgian State Medical University students on the topic of physical education classes and related cases of injuries

Сomplications of benign prostatic hyperplasia
Complications of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) continue to be an important medical problem, despite the successes achieved in the treatment of this disease. One of the reasons for this problem is the lack of Russian tools for assessing patient readiness. Goal. to analyze the complications of BPH in patients, depending on the level of prostate specific antigen (PSA). Materials and methods. A study of 113 BPH patients aged 43 to 80 years who were hospitalized in the urology department for transurethral resection of the prostate gland (pancreas) was conducted. All patients had a PSA level < 4 ng/ml and were divided into 3 groups. Patients of the first group had a PSA value of 1.23±1.23 ng/ml, the second and third - 2.44±0.27ng/ml and 3.53±0.31 ng/ml, respectively. A clinical examination of patients was carried out, with the study of complaints and anamnesis data. Nominal data were presented in the form of absolute values and relative frequencies of research objects (n,%). The assessment of the statistical significance of differences in qualitative characteristics was determined using the H2pirson criterion. Results. There were no statistically significant differences between the patients of the studied groups according to the history of epicystostomy drainage.Conclusions. In the conducted study, BPH complications were more common in patients of the second and third groups.

Analysis of the incidence of residents of the Republic of Mordovia with diseases of the oral mucosa at the Department of Dentistry of the OGAREV State University
The purpose of the work. To carry out a comprehensive analysis of the treatment of residents of the Republic of Mordovia with diseases of the oral mucosa (SOPR) at the Department of Dentistry of the Ogarev Moscow State University.
Materials and methods of research. To achieve this goal, a retrospective analysis of 16 outpatient records of residents of the Republic of Mordovia who applied with diseases of the oral mucosa to the Department of Dentistry of the Ogarev Moscow State University in the period from September 2023 to January 2024 was carried out.
The results of the study. Most often, elderly people (60-75 years old according to the WHO classification) apply to the Department of Dentistry – 81.25%, less often middle–aged (44-59 years old according to the WHO classification) – 18.75%. The highest percentage of referrals (87.5%) to the Department of Dentistry is observed among women, and only 12.5% are male. The majority of patients (56.25%) were initially referred by doctors of urban polyclinics and private clinics to the State Medical Institution of the Republic of Moldova "Republican Oncological Dispensary", with an assumed diagnosis of C00-C14 ("Malignant neoplasms of the lip, oral cavity and pharynx"). From there, in the same amount (56.25%), after examination by an oncologist, they were redirected to the Department of Dentistry of the Ogarev Moscow State University, with the exception of the malignant nature of the course of diseases of the SOPR. Another 43.75% of patients were referred to the Department of Dentistry from the advisory link of the State Medical Institution of the Republic of Moldova "Mordovian Republican Skin and Venereological Dispensary", with an assumed diagnosis of lichen planus (L43). Of the 16 patients with COPD diseases, the following were identified: lichen planus, erosive and ulcerative form - 56.25%; lichen planus, typical form – 18.75%; chronic trauma of COPD – 12.5%; lichen planus, bullous form and exfoliative cheilitis, dry form of 6.25% each. Of the total number of patients examined, 87.5% of patients live in the city of Saransk and 12.5% live in remote areas of the Republic of Mordovia, while it is worth noting that patients living in the districts have the most severe forms of COPD diseases. During the examination of the oral cavity, all patients revealed sharp edges of teeth and fillings, as well as orthopedic structures of inadequate quality. In addition, the hygiene level was analyzed using the OHI-S plaque index, while the average level of oral hygiene was observed in 68.75% of patients, while the remaining 31.25% had an unsatisfactory hygiene index.
Conclusion. The conducted research shows that elderly women living in Saransk most often come to the Department of Dentistry of the Ogarev Moscow State University with diseases of the SOPR. It can also be concluded that the largest number of patients have facultative precancerous diseases of COPD, with a predominance of lichen planus among those who applied. From the results of the examination of the oral cavity of patients, it is safe to say that dentists of the Republic of Mordovia rarely use the method of individual grinding of teeth. Referral of any patient to an oncologist is a strong stressful factor, and overdiagnosis adversely affects the quality of life of such patients during the diagnosis period.

The relevance of the problem of the risk of cardiovascular diseases, frequency and factors of occurrence on the example of students of the Medical Institute of Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogarev.
Despite the achievements of medicine in the methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases, the problem of CVD remains incredibly relevant to this day. In Russia, this problem continues to be a serious challenge for the healthcare system, as the share of CVD in the total mortality of the country's population reaches about 40%. The main purpose of the study is to analyze the causes and factors of the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases among students of the medical institute. To solve the tasks set, a statistical method was used to analyze the data obtained as a result of a survey of students of the Medical Institute of the Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogarev. Mainly, the assessment of lifestyle, nutrition, physical activity level, as well as the psycho-emotional state of students was carried out. The focus is on how the unique combination of high stress levels associated with an intensive educational process, together with insufficient physical activity and poor nutrition, can lead to an increased risk of developing CVD in students. The study highlights that medical students, despite their knowledge of healthcare, are also exposed to these risks. In the course of the study, a high level of CVD risk was revealed among students of the Medical Institute of the Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogarev. This conclusion was made due to the presence of factors in the life of students that affect the development of diseases of this group, such as irregular diet, low physical activity, smoking and alcohol consumption. That is why the study pays special attention to the need to develop and integrate special programs for the prevention of CVD, combining lifestyle changes, educational initiatives and support at the institutional level. This approach will help prepare a future generation of medical professionals with not only professional knowledge, but also personal experience in leading a healthy lifestyle, which will increase their ability to prevent and treat CVD among the population.

Indices of Adaptation in Children in Elementary School
The relevance of the study lies in the importance of the primary school period
for children and their adaptation to new conditions. Objective. Research, identify and analyze indicators of children's primary school readiness, their motivation, emotional and intellectual spheres. Materials and methods. The study included complex tests performed on 48 elementary school students (22 girls, 26 boys) covering 3 blocks: academic motivation, level and nature of anxiety and intellectual ability . Result. In grades 1-2, ready motivation at levels 4-5 is demonstrated. In year 3, the dominant motivation was motivation level 3. In year 4, motivation levels 3, 2 and 1 accounted for 81%, while level 4 accounted for 19%. During the first year, levels 2 and 3 of intellectual preparation predominate. In the 2nd year, the 2nd level of intellectual preparation prevails. In the 3rd and 4th years, the level of intellectual preparation is mainly at levels 1 and 2. Among all the levels, levels 2 and 3 have the highest levels of anxiety. The lowest levels of anxiety were among 1st and 4th graders. Conclude. In grades 1 and 2, high motivation prevails, in grades 3 and 4 motivation gradually decreases. The average level of intellectual readiness prevails in grades 1-2, in grades 3-4 the number of students with a high level of intellectual readiness increases. Anxiety was identified at all levels, with levels 2 and 3 having the highest levels. Following the study, recommendations were made to reduce the academic anxiety levels of elementary school students and increase their intellectual preparedness.

The influence of the level of oral hygiene on the course of dental diseases
Introduction. One of the pressing problems of modern dentistry, public health and public health is the influence of the patient’s dental status on the malignancy of precancerous lesions of the oral mucosa. The level of oral hygiene influences changes in the course of dental diseases, but the impact on the transformation of diseases of the oral mucosa into malignant forms of pathology is poorly understood.
The goal of the study is to determine the risk of developing pathological conditions of the oral mucosa, depending on the level of hygiene in dental patients.
Materials and methods. A clinical and instrumental examination of patients was performed (n¹ = 100 people and n² = 60 people, respectively). Group 1 included patients with a confirmed diagnosis of oral cancer, group 2 included relatively healthy patients without pathological conditions of the oral cavity. Research methods: clinical and instrumental examination of the oral cavity, plaque indication, statistical method.
Results. It was found that dental patients with unsatisfactory or poor hygiene levels have a 4.8 times higher potential risk of developing oral cancer (OR = 4.80 with 95% CI 2.09 to 11.73) than patients with good hygiene levels. sanitation of the oral cavity.
Conclusions. The relationship between oral hygiene and malignancy of dental diseases has been determined. Unsatisfactory or poor levels of oral hygiene can act as potential risk factors for the development of oral cancer in healthy patients and aggravate the course of pathology in cancer patients.

Physical activity and the asthma clinical course in patients with osteoarthritis
Introduction. The high prevalence of asthma and osteoarthritis (OA) creates a high probability of their concomitant course. Both diseases are closely associated with obesity, which creates interest in studying this combination of pathologies, including their impact on the patient’s physical activity. Goal. To evaluate the impact of OA on physical activity (PA) and the course of asthma in obese patients. Materials and methods. The study included 137 patients with moderate asthma. Participants were divided into two groups: group 1 consisted of patients with asthma without signs of OA; group 2 – patients with asthma and OA. Clinical assessment of diseases, determination of the Lequesne index, X-ray examination of the knee and hip joints, spirometry, assessment of physical activity and asthma control were carried out. Results. In patients with asthma and OA, inflammatory indicators and body mass index (BMI) were higher and PA, spirometric indicators and the level of asthma control were significantly lower than in patients with asthma without OA. Conclusions. The results of the groups’ comparison indicate a negative impact of OA on the course of asthma, which is manifested by a decrease in physical activity and asthma control as well as an increase in inflammation in obese patients.

Synthesis and biological activity of germanium compounds
Introduction. The problem of treating purulent-septic diseases is far from resolved and in modern conditions presents certain difficulties due to the emergence of resistant and multiresistant forms of microorganisms to existing antibacterial drugs. In recent years, interest has increased in the most rational use of already known drugs, as well as in the possibility of their chemical modification. The purpose of the research is the synthesis of biologically active germanium complex compounds and the study of biological activity. It is known that the biological activity of physico-chemical compounds depends on the structure and composition of their macromolecules, the location and type of substituents, the type and multiplicity of the biochemical bond. Substances in the form of microparticles have properties that are often radically different from their analogues in the form of macroscopic dispersions, which makes it possible to create the latest pharmacologically active antibiotics and use them in pharmacology. In addition to antibacterial, the use of substances in the nanostat allows to achieve other active healing effects: immunomodulatory, antimicrobial, dehydrating and sorption when used with appropriate application to the wound. The problem of finding methods for obtaining new effective bactericidal antibiotics that do not have a toxic effect is urgent. By selecting metals and ligands, new physiologically active radiations with specified pharmaceutical properties will be synthesized. The penultimate of them will not only increase the toxicity of the metal, but also enhance the biochemical activity of all components – both the bioligand and the metal. The presented study is promising from the point of view of recreating new effective pharmaceuticals characterized by the dualism of their components and low toxicity.

Pathological activity of the hemostasis system as a determining link of the complicated course of pregnancy
Introduction. In the last decade, more and more studies have reported the presence of congenital thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura in patients suffering from complications of pregnancy and childbirth such as repeated fetal loss, stillbirth, intrauterine growth retardation and preeclampsia. This pathology requires a special approach in diagnosis and therapy. The aim of the study is to analyze the relevance of the diagnosis of the ADAMTS13 genetic defect in Upshaw-Shulman syndrome, to determine the practicality and productivity of technologies used for the treatment of emerging obstetric complications. Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of 21 medical records of patients who were treated at the department from 2017 to 2023 was carried out. Results. In total, 21 pregnancy episodes occurred in women from the groups analyzed by the author, of which 15 had obstetric complications, including 46.7% (7/15) premature fetal loss (<10 weeks), 26.7% (4/15) late fetal loss (≥10 weeks) and 26.6% (4/15) premature live births. Conclusions. Monitoring of ADAMTS13 serum levels is carried out when planning a subsequent pregnancy. Long-term complications of TTP should be taken into account: ischemic strokes, secondary hypertension, coronary heart disease, cognitive abnormalities and a decrease in quality of life. Pregnancy with Upshaw-Shulman syndrome will become one of the main areas of obstetric development in the coming years, further associative and high-quality research is needed to form the best therapeutic innovations and opportunities in the future.

Possibilities of using anti-stokes phosphors in dentistry
In the modern world, photoluminescent materials or phosphors are actively used in science, technology and medicine. Anti-stokes phosphors are used to protect money and documents, in dentistry and biological technologies as biometrics. Curing of dental resin composites in blue light leads to gradient polymerization. Due to the inclusion of anti-stokes phosphors in composite resins, infrared radiation can activate the internal blue radiation of these materials and their polymerization reaction.

Studying the lifestyle of pregnant women, their awareness and satisfaction with information on the impact of his disorders on the health of the unborn child
Introduction. The steady incidence of children in the first year of life, which is largely related to the lifestyle of women before and during pregnancy. Goal. A study of the lifestyle of pregnant women, their awareness and satisfaction with information about the impact of various factors on fetal health. Materials and methods. There were 475 women among the respondents who filled out a questionnaire consisting of 94 questions. The survey was conducted anonymously. Results. The study involved 475 women aged 26 to 39 years who are in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Most of the respondents consider their lifestyle to be healthy, but many have problems with various lifestyle components. Most are also confident in their awareness of the prevention of child health problems before birth, but the main source of information on this issue for them is the Internet. A detailed analysis showed that many respondents are unaware of the negative impact of their bad habits on the health of the unborn child. Most of the respondents receive information about improving their lifestyle during pregnancy from medical professionals, but almost half consider this information incomplete or incomprehensible. Conclusions. There is a need to develop medical and social support programs for expectant parents in the system of antenatal child health care.

Ananlysis of joint hypermobility syndrome markers
If diagnosed late, joint hypermobility syndrome can significantly reduce the patient’s quality of life. The aim of this study was to find significant phenotypic characteristics that could be used in the diagnosis of joint hypermobility syndrome. We have analyzed the frequency of occurrence of phenotypic signs of connective tissue dysplasia in 450 patients with joint hypermobility. It has been shown that joint hypermobility occurs in the population of the Russian Federation with a frequency of 0.29. Among these patients, 61.2% complained of constant or recurrent pain in the spine and/or individual joints. Among patients without arthralgia, 25.4% did not have a sufficient number of markers to diagnose joint hypermobility syndrome. With an increase in the degree of joint hypermobility in patients, the number and frequency of signs of connective tissue dysplasia increases. In the group of patients with moderate and severe joint hypermobility, the following has been recorded: anomalies of the auricle, which are present in 66.6% of respondents; soft and brittle nails (62.8%); scoliosis (55.1%); transverse flatfoot (53%) and malocclusion (60.25%) in people with severe joint hypermobility. Signs with a high frequency of occurrence can be used as “minor criteria” for the diagnosis of joint hypermobility syndrome, along with the Brighton scale criteria.

Giant paraovarial cyst in a 15-year-old adolescent: a clinical case
Currently, in the treatment of parovarial ovarial cysts in adolescents, the emphasis is on organ-preserving treatment, taking into account the low malignancy rate and the importance of preserving reproductive functions in the future. This pathology is most common in adolescents, but can occur at any age, from newborn girls to menopausal women. Objective. To study a clinical case of giant paraovarial cyst in an adolescent girl. Materials and Methods. Retrospective analysis of the patient's medical history. Results. Patient E., 15 years old. In November 2022, she went to the polyclinic at the place of residence with complaints of abdominal enlargement in size. When undergoing ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, a cystic formation of the abdominal region of large size was detected; the child was referred for consultation to the pediatric surgeon of ODKB No. 2 in Voronezh. MR signs of a cystic volumetric mass of irregular oval shape with the dimensions of 23x23x10 cm. 02.12.2022 Laparotomy, removal of the right paraovarial cyst, drainage of the abdominal cavity. The postoperative period proceeded well without complications. The patient was discharged from the hospital on the 15th day in satisfactory condition. Conclusion. In the practice of pediatric surgeon one can meet with rare cases of paraovarial cysts formation in uterine appendages. Minimally invasive technique should be sought. To find out the state of reproductive potential of girls with such masses, a detailed examination will be required when they reach adulthood.

Comparison of the awareness levels of students of different medical university courses about HIV-infection
Introduction. Considering the fact that regular educational work is carried out on the HIV infection topic, there is increase in the number of HIV-positive people in Russia. According to official data, there are 1 663 149 HIV infected people in Russia as of June 30, 2023, which are confirmed by immunoblotting. The goal of this study is comparing the 1st and 3rd course student’s awareness level of HIV-infection. Materials and methods. A literature search was carried out, also we conducted the online survey with using “Google Forms”, in which were involved 29 students of the 1th course and 35 – the 3rd course of Medical Faculty. Results. There are no full unawareness cases in the population studied. Senior students answered the most of questions more correctly, whereas student of the 1 course often had a doubt or ticked the wrong answers, but the same results are observed in both groups. Conclusions. There is a slightly increase in the awareness level among students of different courses, which may be due to various factors, however, there are cases of the insufficient awareness of some aspects and sides of this pathology in both groups. A further study of this issue with higher number of students is required.

The influence of the autonomic nervous system on the qualitative characteristics of night sleep in students
Introduction. A high-quality full-fledged night's sleep should have a certain duration and periodic change of phases, violations of which affect the mental processes of a person. Sleep is controlled by the autonomic nervous system (ANS), but there is no information about the effect of its condition on sleep characteristics. Goal. To investigate the influence of the state of tone of the centers of the autonomic nervous system on the qualitative characteristics of night sleep in students. Materials and methods. The study involved 33 students aged 18-19. To assess the qualitative characteristics of sleep, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire and the sleep quality monitor in the Xiaomi fitness bracelet were used. The assessment of the tone of the VNS centers was carried out using the pulse monitor in the Xiaomi fitness bracelet. The monitoring took place during the week. Statistical processing of the results was carried out using spreadsheets of the MC Excel software package and a statistical processing program openepi.com . Results. Half of the surveyed students (55%) have problems with sleep duration and regime, what due to a violation of the NREM- phase. which is shortened. The analysis of the state of the VNS centers tone showed that a large percentage (63%) of students are not normotonics, while sympathononia affects the NREM- phase, and vagotonia affects the REM one. According to the data obtained from the questionnaire, sympathotonics disrupt sleep patterns less, they need a lot of time to fall asleep, they often have vivid dreams. Vagotonia wake up more often, there are more people with chronic diseases among them. Conclusions. In order for sleep to be of high quality and full–fledged, sympathotonics are recommended to follow the sleep regime, especially the time of falling asleep no later than 23 hours, and vagotonics are recommended timely prevention of chronic diseases.

Determination of galectin-3 marker in patients with chronic heart failure
Chronic heart failure (CHF) has been an urgent problem in medicine for many years. Body composition of patients with CHF is one of the determinants of prognosis. Galectin-3 is a marker reflecting pathophysiologic changes in CHF, its level also changes with changes in body composition of patients. The aim of the study was to investigate the level of galectin-3 and the course of the disease in patients with CHF and different nutritional status. It was determined that III (FC) of CHF is more common in patients with sarcopenic obesity, reduced body weight and sarcopenia. Obese patients, regardless of the presence of sarcopenia were characterized by HFpEF. Galectin-3 levels were minimal in patients with reduced body weight and maximal in sarcopenic obese patients.

The use of artificial intelligence in therapeutic dentistry
The article highlights the relevance of the use of artificial intelligence in therapeutic dentistry. The paper raises the issue of the use of artificial intelligence in the daily practice of a dentist therapist for diagnosis and diagnosis, the possibility of using artificial intelligence in the early stages of diagnosis of diseases of the hard tissues of the tooth and pathologies of the dental system. The purpose of the work is to identify the main advantages and disadvantages in diagnosis. To analyze the main methods and technologies that can contribute to the optimization of diagnosis, preparation of a treatment plan and prevention of the dental system, which will allow the dentist therapist to more accurately diagnose and prescribe better treatment in different clinical cases and improve the quality of treatment at different stages of the disease. Results. All programs using artificial intelligence for diagnostics in dentistry are based on the use of neural networks. Programs based on deep neural learning are used in the practice of a dentist therapist to process and diagnose complex two-dimensional and three-dimensional images

Students' commitment to a healthy lifestyle
Introduction. The puberty period is a critical period of childhood, whose body is most susceptible to various external influences. Goal. Studying the commitment of medical students to a healthy lifestyle. Materials and methods. An anonymous online survey of 154 1st year students of the Faculty of Medicine was conducted. The survey was conducted using a specially designed questionnaire, including 20 closed-type questions. Results. 102 girls and 52 boys participated in the study. A detailed analysis showed that many students have a fairly clear understanding of the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle, but the commitment to their observance is quite different. In addition, the higher prevalence of bad habits among girls and the low commitment of young men to compliance with sanitary standards causes particular concern. Conclusions. Students have a complete understanding of the principles of a healthy lifestyle, but the commitment to their observance is quite different, and largely depends on gender. Students' awareness of approaches to the formation of healthy lifestyle skills showed that the most well-known for them were the biomedical and psychological-pedagogical approaches, which indicates the need to develop a set of medical, psychological and pedagogical approaches to the formation of healthy lifestyle skills among young people, starting from childhood.

Comparison of the effectiveness of delayed motherhood programs in different age groups of patients
Introduction. The number of women exercising childbearing function in older reproductive age is growing [1]. Age is one of the unmodifiable factors of oocyte aging, a process in which 2 main mechanisms are distinguished: a decrease in the expression of the gene encoding the enzyme DNA topoisomerase [2], which leads to impaired chromosome condensation, chromatid separation and torsion stress relief; and oxidative stress [3], realized by a decrease in melatonin and an increase in tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) in follicular fluid [4]. Both mechanisms lead to embryo aneuploidy. The goal of this study is a preservation of genetically high-quality material in women in delayed motherhood programs. Materials and methods. The outcomes of in vitro fertilization (IVF) programs in 156 patients of reproductive age were analyzed. A total of 797 embryos were obtained. A retrospective study of the dependence of the quantity and quality of 797 embryos on the age of patients in the department of infertility treatment and IVF of the Lapino Clinical Hospital for 2022 was conducted. Results. Statistical analysis showed an inverse average relationship between the age of patients and the number of embryos received; an inverse strong relationship between the age of patients and the proportion of euploid embryos; a significant decrease in the proportion of euploid embryos in patients aged 35 years and older and a uniform decrease in the ratio of euploid embryos to the total of embryos in subsequent age groups. Methods for improving the outcomes of delayed motherhood programs are proposed. Conclusions. The higher the patient's age, the worse the yield in terms of the number and quality of embryos, especially euploid ones. It is necessary to inform women about the influence of the age factor on reducing the chance of obtaining a genetically healthy embryo (even in assisted reproductive technology (ART) programs) and about the greater effectiveness of delayed motherhood programs for cryopreservation of oocytes at a younger age.
Keywords: infertility; delayed motherhood; female age factor; euploid embryos; oocyte aging

Challenges and breakthroughs in the treatment and prevention of herpes infections associated with herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2
Introduction. Herpetic infections (HI) in the 21st century represent a serious problem for the system of health care organization, there is a huge increase in morbidity and mortality, according to WHO, morbidity reaches 50%, the mortality rate from severe forms of the disease is increasing, in this regard, the task of research of modern points of application of forces to counteract herpetic infections associated with herpes simplex viruses types 1 and 2 has been set. The aim of the study is to formulate the problems of the current position of herpetic infections in the general series of infectious diseases. Methods. Domestic and foreign literature from 2014 to 2023 was analyzed, and the main points of the problematic were presented, which are planned to be influenced by the outcome of subsequent studies. Results. The following aspects were highlighted: almost complete monopoly of acyclovir, i.e. absence of the fact of using other antiviral drugs against herpetic infections, also small number of appropriate drugs, absence of highly effective drugs for treatment of GI caused by multidrug-resistant strains, absence of quality drugs for newborns and sick pregnant women, absence of vaccine for GI. Conclusions. Although work in these areas is partially underway, it is necessary to bring together this information, so that in the future it will be possible to comprehensively approach to the solution of the problems, as well as point studies to eliminate certain problems. The paper presents a brief comprehensive characterization of these problems to provide a theoretical basis for further implementation of certain studies.

Optimisation of diagnostics and treatment of vascular stiffness and arterial hypertension in patients with acute coronary syndrome against the background of chronic kidney disease
Introduction. There is a need in clinical medicine to improve diagnostic techniques and evaluate the efficacy of antihypertensive drugs. The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of indapamide and perindopril combination in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and chronic kidney disease (CKD). Materials and Methods. The following parameters were analysed using volumetric sphygmography on a VS-1500 device: central and peripheral blood pressure (SBPao and PBpao), augmentation index (AI), pulse wave velocity index (PWV) and cardiac ankle vascular index (CAVI). In addition, electrocardiogram, echocardiography, and blood creatinine concentration were studied, and the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was calculated. Arterial and pulmonary hypertension in patients divided into 3 groups was analysed. Group 1 used perindopril, group 2 used a combination of indapamide and perindopril, and group 3 used perindopril alone. The results show a decrease in SBPao and DBpao, blood creatinine levels, and an increase in GFR during three months of therapy with the indapamide/perindopril combination drug. Conclusions. Noliprel Bi-Forte may be the drug of choice for treatment of this cohort of patients.

Optimization of diagnosis of anemic syndrome in practically healthy women of reproductive age
Anemia syndrome is often noted in women of reproductive age and its symptoms may resemble other diseases. The aim of the work was to optimize the diagnosis of anemia syndrome in practically healthy women of reproductive age. Materials and methods: a survey of 50 practically healthy women was conducted, who were divided into 2 groups, the first - women with copious menstruation (n=25), the second - with normal menstruation (n=25), they had a complete obstetric-gynecological and somatic history, a detailed assessment of clinical and biochemical indicators was made blood analysis, microscopic and cytological examination of gynecological smears. Anemic syndrome has not been diagnosed in all women in the anamnesis. Results. It was found that in women with heavy menstruation, there is a statistically significant decrease in hemoglobin, hematocrit, average red blood cell volume, an expansion of red blood cell distribution, as well as a decrease in serum iron, ferritin and total blood protein and a statistically significant decrease in somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system is diagnosed (64,0%). Conclusons. In women with a history of somatoform dysfunction of the nervous system, it is necessary to diagnose the presence of anemic syndrome.

Clinical and laboratory characteristics of a series of cases of hepatitis A in children
Introduction. Despite the availability of vaccination against the hepatitis A virus at the present time, as well as the availability of this vaccine in the calendar of Minsk on a free basis, cases of hepatitis A among the child population continue to be registered in the Republic of Belarus. In previous years, isolated cases of hepatitis A among children were registered (the number of hospitalized patients diagnosed with hepatitis A in the Minsk City Children's Infectious Clinical Hospital from 2 to 5 people per year from 2017 to 2023). However, since the beginning of 2024, an increase in the incidence of hepatitis A in children has been recorded. The goal of this study is to analyze the anamnesis, clinical and laboratory data of patients hospitalized at the Minsk City Children's Infectious Clinical Hospital with a diagnosis of hepatitis A since the beginning of 2024. Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of data from 17 medical records of inpatients who were treated at the Minsk City Children's Infectious Clinical Hospital with a diagnosis of B15.9 (Hepatitis A without hepatic coma) from 01.01.2024 to 03.12.2024 was carried out. The diagnosis was established on the basis of a typical clinical picture of the disease and was confirmed by detecting immunoglobulins M to the hepatitis A virus in the blood serum using ELISA. The data obtained as a result of the study were processed using traditional methods of mathematical statistics using the Statistica 13.0 application program. Results. Data from medical records of inpatients were processed and analyzed, anamnesis data was studied, including epidemiological and vaccination status, the patterns of the course of the disease in patients were determined, and the results of laboratory tests were processed and analyzed. Conclusions. All cases of hepatitis A were reported in unvaccinated children over 7 years of age. With hepatitis A, the typical course is a symptomatic course in the form of a moderate form with the presence of vomiting and fever in the prodromal period. In children over 7 years of age, in most cases, the icteric form develops, with an increase in the biochemical blood test of transaminases, LDH, alkaline phosphatase, GGTP, and in most patients, the presence of bilirubin metabolic products in the urine and hepatomegaly is observed, both by palpation and according to ultrasound data of the BBP. A practicing physician should always remember this diagnosis in his practice, especially when identifying cases of hepatitis in unvaccinated children. In order to prevent cases of hepatitis A, efforts should be intensified to increase the coverage of preventive vaccinations among the population, in particular against the hepatitis A virus.

Cytomegalovirus infection and herpes simplex virus types 1, 2 as a cause of the development of PVHD
Introduction. Peripheral vitreochorioretinal dystrophy (PVHRD) is a pathological process on the periphery of the retina of the eye, which is the most common cause of its detachment. The exact cause of this pathology has not been fully established. There are several studies in which infectious factors also play a certain role in the pathogenesis of PVHRD. In a number of scientific papers, the development of dystrophies is associated with the persistence of cytomegalovirus infection (CMV) and infection caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV) types 1,2. The purpose of the work. To study the effect of CMV infection and/or herpetic infection caused by HSV types 1,2, confirmed by ELISA, on the development of retinal PVHRD. Materials and methods. We have studied the scientific literature on the effect of infectious agents on the development of retinal PVHRD. We conducted an analysis of outpatient charts and photos of PVHRD of patients of the KOGBUZ "KKOB" and the ophthalmological clinic "Constellation" in order to study the effect of infection caused by CMV or HSV 1, 2 on the formation of PVHRD of the retina. Statistical analysis was carried out using descriptive statistics methods in MS Excel and Statistica 10 programs. Results and conclusions. We presented the characteristics of retinal PVHRD against the background of the persistence of CMV infection and/or herpetic infection caused by HSV type 1, type 2. We found that 80.77% of the foci of dystrophy are located in the projection of retinal vessels, their manifestation is a local reaction to an infectious agent, which is local vasculitis. The majority of patients (91%) have a latticed type of degeneration, which may also indicate a viral etiology. PVHRD of other types, for example, dystrophy of the "snail track" type, are more often of a traction nature and are associated with retinal overgrowth due to an increase in the size of the eyeball against the background of myopia. It has been established that PVHRD can be observed in the presence of serological markers of both infections. Based on the data obtained, it is possible to trace the relationship between the presence of infectious markers indicating the long-term persistence of viruses and changes in the retina. Given the widespread prevalence of herpes viruses, the presence of IgG class antibodies to these pathogens is not convincing evidence of a link. The role of infectious factors in the development of PVHRD has not been fully studied, which indicates the need to continue research in this direction.

The study of student opinion on modern contraception and abortion
Goal. A study of the attitudes of medical students towards modern methods of contraception, as well as their awareness of the prevention and complications of abortion. Materials and methods. Among the interviewed 219 medical students who filled out a questionnaire consisting of 34 questions. The survey was conducted anonymously. Results. The study involved 219 medical students, mostly girls under the age of 20. These studies made it possible to assess not only the awareness of respondents on contraception and abortion prevention, but also to identify preferred sources of information. Conclusions. There is a need to develop medical and social programs of an approach to raising awareness among young people on the prevention of unwanted pregnancies.

Analysis of medical students' satisfaction with the use of a mentoring model for teaching outpatient therapy on a clinical basis
The educational process is most effective when reproducing, imitating activities, and participating in a real process. To ensure these conditions, when implementing an educational program, it is justified for the teacher to use the situational mentoring (SN) model. The aim is to analyze the satisfaction of medical students with the use of the CH model of teaching outpatient therapy on a clinical basis. Materials and methods. Stages of work: implementation of the CH model of teaching outpatient therapy in the period from 01.09.2023 to 14.01.2024 at the clinical base of Tver State Medical University; developing a questionnaire in Google Forms; testing students after learning on a cycle; data analysis. Results. The use of the CH model ensures the acquisition of the necessary skills and competencies, as indicated by the results of the questionnaire. All 62 (100%) students reflected on the knowledge gained in previous courses. A large proportion of students (29; 47%) preferred the most mentoring type of activity (working with a patient at home). Most of the students spoke positively about the organization of classes. Conclusion. The CH model is suitable for the implementation of a program for the training of medical personnel of higher professional education in terms of satisfaction of senior students of a medical university.

The rationale for the participation of a neurologist in the treatment of young patients with premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea
Introduction. Many women, when symptoms of PMS or dysmenorrhea appear or worsen, turn only to a gynecologist, as a result of which neurological disorders disappear from the field of view. Goal. To identify the frequency of symptoms of severe dysmenorrhea and PMS, to determine their dependence on the symptoms of DDTS. Materials and methods. A survey of young women with a regular menstrual cycle. There are 3 groups for the presence of symptoms of PMS or dysmenorrhea and 5 groups for the presence of symptoms of nervous tension. Results. The average age is 21.8±4.1 years. The normal BMI is 77.5%. The normal menstrual cycle is 88.8%. When dividing by DDTS, bleeding is longer, and tension is higher in groups with severe PMS or dysmenorrhea. When dividing by the presence of reproductive disorders, girls without them have lower levels of distress, depression, anxiety and somatization. Conclusions. Symptoms of PMS and dysmenorrhea are significantly associated with the severity of symptoms of DDTS both in the allocation of groups of PMS and dysmenorrhea, and in groups with different levels of DDTS. The participation of a neurologist is necessary for the competent relief of symptoms of DDTS.

If a woman is nervous: how stress, anxiety and depression affect the outcome of childbirth
Introduction. The results of neurological testing and a study of the outcomes of childbirth among patients of the «Clinical Maternity Hospital №2» are presented. The influence of psycho-neurological stress on the delivery period, type of delivery, soft tissue injuries, blood loss and concomitant diseases has been proven. Many women experience stress during pregnancy, which leads to more perineal injuries during natural childbirth. The goal of this study is to identify the symptoms of distress, depression, anxiety and somatization and associate them with the traumatization of women in labor. Materials and methods. A questionnaire on the neurological questionnaire 4DDTS of women on the eve of childbirth, assessment of injuries during childbirth. Results. The average age is 28.6±5.3 years. The gestation period is 272.3±10.2 days. The serial number of pregnancy is 2.2±1.2 and childbirth is 1.89±0.99. Significant differences in the severity of distress, depression, anxiety and somatization were revealed between maternity hospitals with perineal injuries and without them with a lower level in the group without perineal injuries. Conclusions. Statistically significant differences prove the influence of stress, especially distress and anxiety on traumatization during childbirth.

The possibilities of using combined oral contraceptives for pharmacotherapy of premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea in concomitant disorders of a psycho-neurological nature
Symptoms of PMS and dysmenorrhea are detected in 95% of women aged 15 to 45 years, and neuropsychiatric disorders are a significant risk factor. Hormone therapy is often used, but it is not always possible. Goal. To evaluate the differences in the manifestations of PMS, dysmenorrhea and DDTS when using combined oral contraceptives. Materials and methods. A survey of Volgograd female students with an assessment of the neuropsychiatric status and frequent symptoms of PMS and dysmenorrhea in different periods of the cycle. Results. The average age of the examined patients was 21.8 ± 4.1 years. The normal BMI is 77.5%. All the examined patients were divided into groups: taking COCA and protecting themselves with non-hormonal means. Among COCA users, indicators of PMS and dysmenorrhea of high and moderate levels are less common than in those who are protected by non-hormonal methods or are not protected at all. There are also significant differences in the indicators of neuropsychiatric disorders with a better outcome in the examined patients who take COCA. Conclusions. The surveyed people who take COCA have significantly fewer reproductive and neuropsychiatric disorders than those who do not take COCA.

To study the prevalence and causes of smoking among students, as well as to assess their awareness of the health risks of smoking
Introduction. It is well known that a healthy lifestyle is fundamentally incompatible with bad habits. Even a person who rarely smokes has a 1.5 times higher risk of premature death from any cause than a non-smoker. The problem of using electronic devices for smoking among young people is quite acute, which, despite the claims of manufacturers, are not harmless and have a tremendous impact on the growing body of children. Goal. To study the prevalence of smoking among students, to determine the causes of smoking, to assess awareness of the dangers of smoking for health and the degree of nicotine dependence. Materials and methods. By random sampling, 52 1st-year students of the Faculty of Medicine were included in the study, with whom an anonymous online survey was conducted using a specially designed questionnaire, including 25 closed and open-type questions, as well as questions from the Fagerstrom test to determine the degree of nicotine dependence. Analytical and statistical methods were used in the course of the study. The results obtained. Of the 52 students, 38 respondents turned out to be smokers: 23 boys and 15 girls. A quarter of respondents indicated that they do not use nicotine-containing substances, 15 teenagers smoke both cigarettes and vape, 12 only cigarettes, and 11 people use only vape. The majority of them started smoking at the age of 15-17, and 12 at the age of 12-14. Only a quarter of the respondents are negative towards smokers. In the first place among the reasons that contributed to the onset of smoking in most students was the influence of smoking peers, the desire to just try and imitate parents and other family members. More than half of the surveyed teenagers know about the harm of tobacco to humans and those who are close to them. Meanwhile, only 14 (36.8%) of smoking students were able to indicate the effects of smoking on their bodies. According to the results of the Fagerstrom test, the vast majority of smokers surveyed have a very weak or weak degree of dependence on nicotine-containing substances. Conclusions. Thus, it is necessary to develop medical, psychological and pedagogical measures aimed not only at reducing the frequency of tobacco and nicotine-containing substances used by students, but also involving the parents of these students in this process.

The aim of the study was to assess the stress level and resistance to it in 1st and 2nd year students of a medical university using the Bayevsky index. The study showed statistically significant differences in the Bayevsky index between 1st and 2nd year students (p = 0.036), which may indicate better adaptation and increased stress tolerance over time at a medical university. Analysis of the index in the context of physical activity revealed (p = 0.012) that moderate activity is associated with the best regulation of the autonomic nervous system, while low and high activity are associated with increased tension of regulatory systems. These results highlight the importance of moderate physical activity for optimizing adaptation to stress and learning load.

Greens as alternative sorbents of copper (II) and zinc (II) ions
Introduction. Copper and zinc are important trace elements for the normal growth and development of a child, however, excessive concentration of these metals in the body can provoke pathological conditions that threaten health. The topic of alternative enterosorbents has not been studied enough. In this study, vegetable raw materials are considered as a means of removing excess heavy metal ions (Zn2+, Cu2+) from the child's body. The results of the study show that dietary adjustment can act as an alternative non-drug means of maintaining the optimal concentration of these ions for the normal development of the child. The goal of this study is to assess of the influence of various factors on the adsorption properties of greens in relation to copper and zinc ions. Materials and methods. A number of chemical experiments were performed to determine the concentration of metal ions in prepared solutions under different conditions (standard conditions, acidic medium, T=00C, T=1000C) by the method of trilonometry. Results. The results obtained by the experimental method are interpreted into graphical data. Samples of greenery have been identified that have shown high adsorption capacity in all conditions. A dish for a healthy baby food diet is proposed and its adsorption capacity is calculated. Conclusions. Spinach, celery and white sesame showed the highest adsorption capacity in combination under different conditions. In ecologically disadvantaged areas, it is possible to adjust the type and amount of greens consumed, increasing the adsorption properties of dishes.

The impact of atmospheric air pollution on the health of the population of the Voronezh Region
Introduction. The high level of urbanization in the Voronezh region is characterized by developed industrial production, numerous motor vehicles, which invariably leads to artificial pollution of the atmosphere. These substances have a complex effect on the body of residents and lead to the development of various diseases or exacerbation of chronic nosologies. Monitoring and recording of pollutant concentrations is necessary to develop measures to ensure hygienic safety.
Materials and methods: in the course of the study, a mathematical and statistical analysis of data from scientific articles and publications, as well as the results of monitoring atmospheric air pollution in the Voronezh Region for 2020-2022, was carried out.
Results: The main factors of atmospheric pollution are the components of emissions from stationary and mobile sources. At thirteen posts in the Voronezh city district and in several districts of the region, the average daily concentration of the following substances is estimated: carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, suspended solids, ozone, phenol. The concentration of four carcinogenic substances is also taken into account: lead, styrene, formaldehyde and soot.
Conclusion: the high level of urbanization, and the associated growth of industrial production, motor transport, leads to the development of diseases of the respiratory and nervous systems in residents of the Voronezh region. In children under 14 years of age, the development of bronchial asthma is most common, in adults — chronic bronchitis and emphysema of the lungs.

Iodine deficiency: the current state of the problem
Introduction. Iodine deficiency is a problem both for Russia and for certain regions, for example, Karelia. Iodine is an essential trace element that affects the metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. The daily intake rate for an adult is 150 mcg. The received iodine participates in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Iodine deficiency is currently registered in different age categories, which makes iodine deficiency an urgent problem [1, 2]. Iodine deficiency diseases are diseases caused by iodine deficiency, representing pathologies that can be prevented by ensuring sufficient consumption [3]. Taking into account the physiological role of iodine, it is necessary to study the awareness of the population about its deficiency and methods of prevention. Goal. To study the awareness of the population of Karelia about iodine deficiency. Materials and methods. A survey of 82 respondents was conducted using the method of empirical research. Results. According to the survey, 80% of respondents believe that Karelia is characterized by iodine deficiency and note the use of medicines, biologically active additives, iodized salt, mineral water as measures to prevent iodine deficiency. Of the total number of respondents, 40% do not carry out prevention, 33% take dietary supplements and medicines as prescribed by a doctor. Conclusions. Respondents are aware of iodine deficiency in Karelia, many take complexes containing iodine, and they know about ways to make up for the deficiency.

The possibility of correcting foot function in adult patients with mobile flat feet using squats
Absrtract. Introduction. Flat feet are an extremely urgent problem in the modern world. From 20 to 37% of the population have flat feet to one degree or another. Despite the widespread prevalence among the population, there is no single and accurate diagnostic system. The development of such a system is hampered by the polyethological nature of the disease, as well as the inability to assess the severity of the disease only by morphological signs, it is necessary to evaluate the functionality of the foot. Pathological flat feet caused by various etiological factors lead to certain types of flat feet and require appropriate treatment. Goal. Consideration of narrow shoes as a factor in the development of unstable mobile flat feet in a healthy adult population. Squats as a way of physical therapy. Materials and methods. The analysis of literary sources was carried out on the basis of the scientific electronic library Elibrary. The modern classification of flat feet and various etiological factors of occurrence were described. The differences between pathological and physiological flat feet are determined. The biomechanics of the foot in pathology and methods of its correction using a basic squat exercise are also considered. Conclusions. Flat feet are a common phenomenon in the modern world and in most cases do not require correction and are not a pathology. In case of pain and discomfort, it is necessary to correctly determine the type of flatfoot in order to choose the appropriate treatment. With mobile flat feet without concomitant pathologies of the musculoskeletal and ligamentous apparatus in adults, it is necessary to wear the right shoes, exercise to improve joint stability with strict observance of exercise techniques.

Analysis of risk factors and causes of overweight in prepubescent children in the Kirov region
Introduction. Obesity in children is one of the urgent problems of modern healthcare. The number of sick children is steadily growing and doubling every three decades. Many complications are associated with this disease: arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, non-alcoholic steatohepatosis, type 2 diabetes mellitus, diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Given these factors, the problem of overweight in children requires immediate and comprehensive attention from parents and medical institutions. Goal. Identification of risk factors and causes of overweight in children in the prepubescent period. Materials and methods. The study included 2 groups of children who applied to the Children's Clinical Advisory and Diagnostic Center (Health Center): Group 1 (studies) – 59 overweight children, average age – 12.25 ± 1.27 years, group 2 (controls) – 41 children with normal body weight, average age – 11.09±1.16 years. Results. The analysis of outpatient records and examination results was carried out. Significant risk factors and causes of overweight have been identified. Conclusions. A significant influence on the formation of overweight in childhood is caused by a burdened hereditary history, the threat of termination of pregnancy and cesarean section. The age of onset of the disease was revealed to be 7 years old. The main reasons for the increase in body weight at this age were: a sedentary lifestyle, a change in the nature of nutrition and the presence of stressful situations. The introduction of overweight prevention in schools will help reduce the likelihood of developing obesity in children.

Blood lipids, pulmonary hypertension, coronarography in patients with coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension against the background of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Introduction. Current practice shows an increasing number of people suffering from a combination of diseases, among which ischaemic heart disease (IHD) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are prominent, associated with common risk factors. The aim of the present study is to determine the significance of indicators such as coronary angiography (CAG), pulmonary hypertension (PH) and blood lipid profile in patients with IHD, arterial hypertension (AH) and COPD 2-3 st. Materials and methods. The study was based on the analysis of medical records of 108 participants divided into 2 groups: 1 with IHD, AH and COPD, and 2 with IHD. The results demonstrate increased lipid levels in group 1 patients, suggesting an increased risk of cardiovascular complications. In addition, the analysis showed an uneven distribution of atherosclerotic plaques in the coronary vessels, with group 1 patients showing more severe coronary artery damage. Conclusions. There is an emerging need to develop and implement effective diagnostic and therapeutic techniques for comorbid patients.

Life cycle assessment in rat ovarian follicles after local electron irradiation
Introduction. The topic of reproductive dysfunction in patients undergoing radiation treatment for malignant neoplasms of the pelvic organs remains poorly studied. Particularly interesting is the experimental study of disturbances in the life cycle of ovarian follicles as a result of exposure to local electron irradiation, which is a relatively new and promising method of radiotherapy. Aim. Immunohistochemical assessment of the life cycle of ovarian follicles in a model of radiation-induced ovarian failure. Materials and methods. Experimental animals (Wistar rats) were divided into 2 groups: control and experimental. The experimental group was locally irradiated with electrons. Then, fragments of the ovaries were examined by immunohistochemistry with antibodies to the proliferation factors Ki-67 and apoptosis termination caspase-3. Results. In the group of local electron irradiation with a total dose of 20 Gy on the 7th day of the experiment, a statistically significant increase in the proportion of caspase-3-positive granulosa cells and a decrease in their proliferative activity were found according to the results of immunohistochemical reactions. The proportion of single stained cells of the corpus luteum and thecal membrane was practically no different from the indicators in the control group. Conclusions. Local irradiation with electrons in a total dose of 20 Gy leads to a slight imbalance of markers of the life cycle of the granulosa membrane in radiation-induced ovarian failure. Low indicators of the range and depth of post-radiation lesions of the ovary indicate a more “gentle” effect of electrons, and a more detailed study of this type of ionizing radiation can be useful in the development of new regimens and indications for prescribing electron therapy in the practice of a radiobiologist.

Analysis of the dynamics of the incidence of malignant neoplasms of the body and cervix and ovaries in the Kursk region in 2012-2021
Introduction. Malignant neoplasms of the female reproductive system are widespread among the population and have an extremely nonspecific clinical picture, which often leads to their late diagnosis. That is why it is of scientific interest to study the dynamics of morbidity in this nosological group. The goal of this study is to analyze the dynamics of the incidence of malignant neoplasms of the female reproductive system in the Kursk region in 2012-2021. Materials and methods. The analysis of the dynamics of the incidence of malignant neoplasms of the body and cervix and ovaries in the Kursk region in 2012-2021 was performed, which included the compilation of dynamics series, their alignment by the moving average method and an assessment of the reliability of changes in dynamics. Results. A tendency to decrease the incidence of malignant neoplasms of the body and cervix and ovaries in the Kursk region in 2016-2021 was found. Conclusions. Despite the decrease in the incidence of malignant neoplasms of the body and cervix and ovaries in the Kursk region, it is necessary to actively conduct sanitary and educational work and improve the coverage of the population with gynecological care (including preventive).

Organization of emergency medical services in besieged Leningrad
Introduction. The report "The work of emergency medical care in besieged Leningrad" presents a study of some issues of organizing the work of emergency medical services, the ethical aspects of the activities of medical workers during the siege of Leningrad from 1941 to 1944. The report is aimed at expanding knowledge about the organization of emergency medical care and understanding the problems of protecting public health in a historical context. Target. Study of the organization of emergency medical care to the population during the siege of Leningrad. The report aims to increase knowledge and understanding of the historical context, as well as the difficulties faced by health workers and patients during the siege. Research methods. Historical, sociological, analysis of archival documents and eyewitness accounts of the siege of Leningrad. Results. Based on the analysis of archival materials on the work of emergency medical services in besieged Leningrad, various aspects are considered, including organization and logistics, availability and quality of emergency medical care, as well as issues of professional ethics and morality of medical personnel. The report emphasizes the importance of preserving historical memory for present and future generations, the importance of studying the organization of medical care, the ethical and moral qualities of medical personnel, understanding the value of human life, and readiness to fulfill their professional duty.

Dependence of the choice of a partner for a relationship on various factors
Introduction. This scientific article presents a multifactorial analysis aimed at studying the interrelationships between various personal characteristics, family background and the dynamics of romantic relationships. Relevance. The study offers a new perspective on the factors that can influence the duration and quality of romantic relationships, providing valuable data for further research in the field of relationship psychology and family therapy. Goal. Analyze and compare the responses received during the passage of questionnaires by couples in a relationship. Materials and methods. The analysis is based on data collected from 42 participants (21 couples) between the ages of 18 and 21. The study covers such parameters as matching desires regarding the frequency of meetings, BMI, sports, having a normal relationship with parents in childhood, as well as the ratio of temperament types in a couple. Results. The correspondence of desires regarding the frequency of meetings varies depending on the duration of a romantic relationship, while BMI, sports and temperament types did not show a statistically significant effect on the duration of the relationship. Couples who have a normal relationship with their parents in childhood tend to have a longer romantic relationship. Special attention is paid to the analysis of changes in preferences and relationships in couples over time, emphasizing the importance of communication and mutual understanding to maintain a harmonious relationship. Conclusions. Further study of the psychology of couples in relationships is required, as this issue is still relevant.

Analysis of the structure and frequency of administration of biguanides, sulfonylurea derivatives in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in a hospital setting
Introduction. Type2 diabetes (T2D) is the main form of the disease. According to WHO forecasts, by 2025 the number of patients suffering from diabetes will exceed 380 million people. Oral antidiabetic drugs form the basis of the type 2 pharmacotherapy. Despite the fact that it is possible to treat this pathology with iDPP-4, GLP-1, iNGLT-2, however, biguanides and sulfonylurea retain their leading positions. Objective. To study the structure and frequency of prescription of biguanides and sulfonylurea in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the endocrinology department of one of the hospitals Kursk for the period January-June 2023. Materials and methods of research. The medical histories of 269 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the endocrinology department of one of the hospitals in Kursk were analyzed using а continuous sampling method. Results. Biguanides rank first in the structure of medical prescription among all classes of oral hypoglycemic drugs. Metformin is the drug of choice. Sulfonylurea rank third in the structure of prescribing among all classes of oral hypoglycemic drugs. The drug of choice: gliclazide. Conclusion. Metformin and gliclazide are widely used in clinical practice in the treatment of type 2 diabetes, which makes it possible to successfully control the glycemic profile and reduce the risks of complications.

Use of anesthesia in dentistry in conditions of patient intolerance to local anesthesia
Introduction. The use of anesthesia in dentistry is an important aspect of providing quality and painless dental treatment. However, for some patients, local anesthesia may be intolerable or ineffective, making treatment difficult. In such cases, the use of anesthesia becomes necessary to ensure the patient's comfort and safety. Target. The aim of the study was to determine the most commonly used general anesthetic. Materials and methods. In the process of carrying out the work, an analysis of foreign as well as domestic literature on the use of general anesthetics was carried out. In addition, data from dental clinic websites was analyzed to determine the most commonly used anesthetic. Results. The study identified the anesthetic drug most often used for allergies to local anesthetics. Conclusion. The most common choice of dentists is the drug propofol. It is connected with the lowest likelihood of side effects.

The problem of shortage of medicines and its relationship with the introduction of sanctions against the Russian Federation
Relevance. More than 33% of Russian citizens report shortages of some medicines, and more than 90% noted an increase in prices for domestic medicines. This arises due to anti-Russian sanctions, which, among other things, affect the availability of certain medicines [1]. In 2019, the Russian Federation purchased medicines abroad in the amount of $19.6 billion [1]. Thus, this problem is relevant.
Target. The purpose of the study is to study the opinions of KSMU students about the problem of shortage of medicines and its relationship with the introduction of sanctions against Russia.
Materials and methods of research. The following research methods were used: survey (anonymous questionnaire) and statistical. The survey was conducted voluntarily on the basis of YandexForms. The opinions of 167 students of Kursk State Medical University were studied.
Research results. Approximately 1/5 of the respondents faced a shortage of medicines or medical products, which have no analogues in Russia. For 1/3 of those surveyed, relatives, friends, acquaintances and/or colleagues were faced with a shortage of medicines or medical products, which have no analogues in Russia. Respondents identified the most pressing reasons that primarily hinder the development of the domestic pharmaceutical industry: lack of necessary raw materials for the production of drugs; technological backwardness of Russian pharmaceutical enterprises.
Conclusion. The problem of the lack of foreign medicines and their domestic analogues is very relevant. It has made it difficult to treat patients, which has a negative impact on the standard of living of the population.

The problem of obesity among students of Kursk State Medical University
Relevance. Obesity is one of the global problems of our time and remains relevant not only in Russia, but throughout the world. WHO statistics for 2023 on the total number of obese people among different countries provides us with data from which we can conclude: the United States remains in first place (78 million), China (46 million), India (30 million), Russia (28 million). million) and Brazil (22 million) [3]. It is known that obesity is a risk factor for many pathologies: diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease (CHD), arterial hypertension, fatty liver, arthrosis. Therefore, the problem of obesity is relevant.
Target. The purpose of the study is to analyze the prevalence of overweight and obesity among students of Kursk State Medical University.
Materials and methods. The research method was an anonymous survey, which was carried out on a voluntary basis, and a statistical method. The survey was conducted using YandexForms. 203 students of KSMU took part in the study.
Research results. BMI in the range from 25.0 to 29.9 is recorded in 15.4%; 30 or more in 11.6%. Overweight or obesity before the age of 16 was observed in 1/3 of respondents. 76.3% of students regularly engage in physical activity (sports). More than half (65%) watch their weight.
Conclusion. 54 people had a BMI above 25. Most students had relatives who were overweight or obese. It is necessary to take a more responsible approach to the issue of obesity and conduct campaigns and lectures on the relevance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and reducing body weight to optimal values.

The problem of smoking among young people (on the example of students of Kursk State Medical University)
Relevance. Smoking is a risk factor for many diseases, primarily diseases that are associated with the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, such as myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, ischemic stroke, acute bronchitis, lung cancer [1]. According to official statistics from the World Health Organization, the main causes of premature mortality are hypertension (7.1 million deaths), tobacco smoking (4.9 million deaths) and dyslipidemia (4.4 million deaths) [2]. Therefore, the relevance of this problem still remains.
Target. The purpose of the work is to study among students of Kursk State Medical University on the attitudes of medical students towards smoking tobacco.
Materials and methods. Research methods – survey (anonymous questionnaire) and statistical methods. The survey was conducted on the basis of YandexForms. 154 students of KSMU took part in the study. The federal law of the Russian Federation dated February 23, 2013 No. 15-FZ “On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of environmental tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption” was used.
Research results. Among the respondents, 36.1% smoke. The share of students using electronic cigarettes accounted for 31%; regular cigarettes - 12.9%. Respondents are confident that promoting a healthy lifestyle will help reduce the number of people who smoke in the first place. Increasing the cost of tobacco products will not significantly reduce the number of people smoking.
Conclusion. Thus, the majority of respondents never smoked or stopped smoking of their own free will. The main reason for smoking was identified - frequent stress and depression - more than half of the respondents think so.

The effectiveness of the use of combined external agents in the treatment of microbial eczema
Introduction. Dermatoses, in particular eczema, force patients to change their social and professional activities, and the use of ineffective drugs reduces motivation for treatment, which affects their mental status. Goal. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of combined external agents in the treatment of microbial eczema. Materials and methods. A comprehensive analysis of data on 32 patients diagnosed with microbial eczema was carried out. The collection of anamnestic data included a detailed analysis of existing NHS, transmitted infectious diseases, and the influence of social and household factors. The EASI index was used to determine the severity of microbial eczema. The correlation analysis of the dermatological index with the gender and age of patients was carried out using the squares method (Pearson's formula). To assess the effectiveness of treatment, we have developed a questionnaire reflecting the subjective feelings of patients at different stages of the therapy used. To assess the microbial diversity of the skin, a cultural method with quantitative determination of contamination was used. Results. It turned out to track the dynamics of the effect of the therapy on the change in clinical symptoms, the prevalence of the process, and the subjective feelings of patients. Conclusions. An already compromised organism is susceptible to the disease, which complicates the tasks of treatment, but nevertheless combined drugs show positive results.

Family History Of Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome Development
Introduction. The topic of the development of autoimmune polyglandular syndrome is currently one of the significant in modern endocrinology. Different types of the syndrome are distinguished, but APS type 3 is the most common. One of the causes of the disease development is hereditary predisposition.
Objective. To reveal clinical manifestations of autoimmune lesions of endocrine organs and other systems caused by genetic predisposition on the example of one family.
Materials and Methods. A prolonged observation of a family with various endocrinopathies of autoimmune genesis was carried out. The patients were examined, anamnestic data and the results of laboratory and instrumental methods of examination were studied. Results. During diagnostic measures such autoimmune diseases were revealed in the mother and three children. as autoimmune thyroiditis, type 1 diabetes mellitus, autoimmune alopecia with associated celiac disease. Conclusions. We determined the presence of genetic predisposition to the development of autoimmune diseases within a single family. Further identification of the prevalence of autoimmune endocrinopathies in families is required to prove the role of heredity, as well as early diagnosis and treatment to improve the quality of life of patients.

Assessment of cognitive self-assessment of person of secondary and high education at rest and under stress. Assessment of the objectivity of self-assessment of person with different types of vegetative regulation
Introduction. Considering self-esteem as a physiological phenomenon is a very important task at the present stage of scientific development. Goal. To assess the ability of college and higher education students to objectively self-assess when working with text, to establish a deviation of self-esteem under the action of a stressor, to investigate the degree of this deviation in various groups (sympathotonics, vagotonics, normotonics). Materials and methods. In this experiment, students were given the opportunity to write a summary of the text they had read. After completing the summary, they were asked to evaluate their own capabilities and provide a percentage assessment of their work (the method of universal learning skills). The study was conducted in two stages. In the first stage, the summary was written and evaluated while the students were at rest. In the second stage, the students were in a state of stress while writing. At the second stage, we evaluated the self-esteem levels of three groups: sympathotonics, normotonics and vagotonics. To evaluate the accuracy of self-assessment, author considered the discrepancy between the student’s personal evaluation of the amount of information conveyed in their summary and the author’s objective assessment of the text written by students. Results. The findings showed that self-esteem is affected by the dominant activity of either of the sympathetic or parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system. Also, the tendency to overestimate of one’s own capabilities (inflated self-esteem) during rest, and, conversely, underestimation of one’s own work (low self-esteem) during stress, were revealed. Conclusions. The study revealed an involuntary component in the formation of self-esteem and differences in the formation of self-esteem in sympathotonics, vagotonics and normotonics due to an involuntary component.

The prevalence of burnout syndrome among first-year students of Astrakhan State Medical University
The article presents the results of identifying the syndrome of emotional burnout in the early stages of its formation in 1st year students of Astrakhan State Medical University. 60 people were examined. The study was conducted on the principle of voluntariness and confidentiality. The psychodiagnostic test method of Boyko V.V. and the author's questionnaire, including general data, were used. The study showed that burnout syndrome is a fairly common problem among first-year students of Astrakhan State Medical University.

Features of optimizing the process of conducting a practical lesson in the discipline “Public health and healthcare”
Introduction. An analysis of the organization of the process of conducting training sessions in the discipline “Public Health and Healthcare” at a medical university was carried out from the perspective of preventing resource losses. Value flow maps of the current and target state of processes were developed and analyzed, analysis was carried out and design solutions were developed to bring the process to the target state. Technologies of modern management of organizations in healthcare and education are aimed at achieving the goals of improving processes by identifying and reducing losses, which reflects the practice of “lean production”. In accordance with the concept of lean manufacturing, all activities of an organization are divided into operations and processes that add value to the customer and operations and processes that do not add value to the customer. The goal of lean manufacturing is the systematic reduction of processes and operations that do not add value and the use of tools that allow you to get rid of operations that do not add value and their associated costs 1. The basic principles of lean manufacturing as a process are: determining the value of a specific product, defining and ensuring a continuous flow of the product value creation flow [2, 3]. 2. Goal: to optimize the organization of the process of conducting training sessions in the discipline “Public Health and Healthcare” by identifying unreasonable losses of resources - time, labor efforts of teachers, consumables. Research methods: in 2023, a prospective study was conducted on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Ivanovo State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Subject of research: educational process. Research methods: timing method, expert, sociological, methods adopted in “lean production” technology. Results. The leading losses have been identified: loss of time when issuing and collecting knowledge control tasks on paper; suboptimal use of the teacher’s labor efforts; limited capabilities for visualizing educational information; limited opportunities for developing students’ skills in searching for information on the Internet and assessing its quality; loss of time in the process of checking student work done exclusively in handwritten form on paper. As part of the project, a digital case of an educational lesson was created and implemented using the example of one of the topics in the cycle of the thematic plan of a university semester, including extracurricular and classroom preparation of students for the lesson. Conclusions. Lean manufacturing technologies are an effective tool for optimizing the educational process in a medical university.

Evaluation of the results of puncture biopsies of thyroid formations in the Кirov region
Introduction. One of the most urgent problems of modern endocrinology remains the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid neoplasms. In the Kirov region from 2018 to 2023, the region registered a 1.8-fold increase in the incidence of endocrine system diseases, including 1.4-fold increase in thyroid diseases. Objective. To carry out a comparative analysis of the results of puncture biopsies of the thyroid gland in the residents of the Kirov region over a 5-year period. Materials and methods. The results of fine-needle puncture biopsies, the Bethesda classification (TBSRTC) was used for evaluation of fine-needle puncture biopsies. Results. Our comparative analysis of thyroid puncture results showed that over the years, the rate of non-diagnostic material decreased by 1.7%; the rate of benign processes increased by 2.1%; the rate of atypia of unclear genesis increased by 0.4%; the rate of follicular neoplasia or suspicion of follicular neoplasia increased by 0.5%; the rate of suspected malignancy decreased by 1.9%; the rate of malignancy increased by 0.5% (2018g. - 0%, 2023г. - 0,5%). Conclusions. The comparative analysis showed a tendency to increase benign and decrease malignant neoplasms.

Therapy of bevacizumab-induced arterial hypertension in the blood pressure variability paradigm
Introduction. The topic of treatment of bevacizumab-induced arterial hypertension (AH) in the paradigm of blood pressure variability remains insufficiently studied. One of the reasons for this problem is the lack of sufficient research on the problem being studied. Target. To compare the effect of lercanidipine and fosinopril on blood pressure variability (BPV) after treatment of bevacizumab-induced hypertension. Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis was performed on 80 clinical cases of colorectal cancer using targeted chemotherapy with bevacizumab, which were accompanied by the development of hypertension. Clinical cases were divided into 2 groups: fosinopril group (n = 40, mean age - 53.68 ± 12.24 years), lercanidipine group (n = 40, mean age - 56.24 ± 14.51 years). Bevacizumab was administered at a dose of 7.5 mg/kg intravenously. BP was measured after 4 weeks of bevacizumab. Fosinopril and lercanidipine were prescribed at a dose of 4 and 5 mg per day, respectively. Dynamic parameters of systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP) were measured in the groups. The mean deviation and coefficient of variation (Cv) were taken as indicators of VAD. Results. An 8-week treatment with lercanidipine significantly reduced BP and VBP, while fosinopril had no significant effect on BP reduction in bevacizumab-induced hypertension. Conclusions. Systolic and diastolic VBP with lercanidipine in the treatment of arterial hypertension induced by bevacizumab is better than with fosinopril, and therefore lercanidipine can be recommended as a first-line drug in the treatment of bevacizumab-induced hypertension.

Anticoagulant therapy in secondary stroke prevention
The prospective study included patients with cardiembolic stroke in the carotid (94%) and vertebrobasilar (6%) basins. Among them, men - 46% (average age 64.55±2.56 years), women – 54% (average age – 6.46±1.68 years). According to the NIHSS scale, 44% of the subjects had mild, 42% had moderate and 14% had severe neurological symptoms. All patients had arterial hypertension; 80% had chronic heart failure (CHF); 24% had diabetes mellitus (DM). The main group - 42 patients took anticoagulants as a secondary prophylaxis, 8 patients – the control group used antiplatelet agents or completely abandoned therapy. The risks of recurrent cardioembolic stroke (PCI) were assessed on the CHA2DS2-VASc scale. During the prospective follow-up during the year, PKI developed in 11 patients. Of these, there were 5 cases in the main and 6 in the control groups. The most significant factors of PCI in the main group were atrial fibrillation, diabetes mellitus and higher NIHSS scores. The degree of patient compliance also played an important role in the results of secondary prevention.

The effect of electronic cigarettes on the oral mucosa
There is little data on the prevalence of various oral cavity changes caused by e-cigarettes. The aim of the work was to determine the propensity for oral diseases among medical university students and schoolchildren using vapes. The research method was a questionnaire and subsequent analysis of statistical data. Data processing was carried out using Exсel 2019 software. 203 people aged 12 to 22 years took part in the survey (average age 17.0±1.0 years), 24 of them were men, 4/5 of all respondents were girls (78.3%). According to the results of the survey, it was revealed that 72% have tried e-cigarettes at least once, and 34% use them on a regular basis. A positive correlation was found between the presence of disorders in the oral cavity and vaping smoking. The most common manifestations of oral cavity changes are: plaque enlargement, marginal bone loss, loss of clinical attachment, tooth loss, increased pocket depth and decreased bleeding during probing. Therefore, the identification of such symptoms in e-cigarette smokers allows us to establish a tendency to damage the oral mucosa under the influence of electronic carrier vapor.

Self-assessment of hearing loss in elderly and senile patients
A significant hearing loss is a geriatric syndrome, which makes a significant contribution to the quality of life of the elderly and is used to assess the severity of senile asthenia syndrome. The aim of the study was to study the self-assessment of hearing impairment in elderly and senile people. Materials and methods. A survey of elderly and senile patients was conducted on how hearing loss restricts their daily lives. The survey was conducted on self-assessment of hearing acuity, the use of a hearing aid, the Bartel index, and the Lowton school. Results. Hearing loss of varying severity was detected in 77%. Conclusions. There was a significant positive correlation between the severity of complaints of hearing loss and the severity of senile asthenia syndrome.

Proliferation and apoptosis of rat hepatocytes after local electron irradiation
Introduction. When malignant neoplasms of the abdominal cavity are irradiated, healthy hepatocytes can also be exposed to toxic ionizing radiation, which can cause disruption of their life cycle, death and the development of signs of acute radiation hepatitis. Target. Immunohistochemical assessment of proliferation and apoptosis of hepatocytes in a model of acute radiation hepatitis. Materials and methods. Experimental animals (Wistar rats) were divided into 2 groups: control and experimental. The latter was subjected to local irradiation with electrons at a dose of 30 Gy. Then, the morphology of liver fragments was studied and immunohistochemical reactions were performed with antibodies to Ki-67 and caspase-3. Results. A week after local irradiation with electrons at a total dose of 30 Gy, a shift in the proliferative-apoptotic ratio towards apoptosis was found, confirmed by an increase in the proportion of caspase-3-positive hepatocytes and a decrease in the number of Ki-67-stained cells compared to the control group. Conclusions. An immunohistochemical study of the proliferation and apoptosis of hepatocytes revealed that a week after fractional irradiation with electrons in an SOD of 30 Gy, there is a decrease in mitotic activity and an increase in cell death, and mild signs of radiation hepatitis indicate a more “sparing” effect of electrons compared to other types of ionizing radiation.

Peculiarities of Covid-19 development in the world, middle east and Iran
This comprehensive article provides an in-depth analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Iran, the Middle East, and globally. It examines the potential decline in disease prevalence as a result of vaccination efforts and adherence to health guidelines, as projected by the World Health Organization. Additionally, the article explores the usage and expenses associated with prescription medications for COVID-19 treatment in Iran, highlighting the economic strain and ethical dilemmas stemming from crisis management and treatment protocols. It also delves into the ever-changing landscape of the pandemic including the emergence of new virus variants and the role of the local pharmaceutical sector in ensuring treatment availability. The study underscores the importance of continuous research and comprehensive policy development to tackle the evolving hurdles posed by the COVID-19 crisis.