170 years since the birth of Sergei Sergeevich Korsakov: doctor, psychiatrist and scientist

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Introduction. 2024 marks exactly 170 years since the birth of Sergei Sergeevich Korsakov, the great Russian psychiatrist, doctor and researcher. 

Target. Get acquainted with the life story of a brilliant scientist, the founder of a new trend in psychiatry and his enormous contribution to this scientific discipline. 

Methods. Consideration and careful study of literary data that tell about the life of Korsakov. Analysis of information from the file cabinet of the State Medical University. A combination of other materials about the life of Sergei Sergeevich Korsakov found on the Internet. 

Results. Korsakov did a lot of outstanding things for the development of such a scientific discipline as psychiatry. His famous work, “A Course in Psychiatry,” contains reflections on a humane attitude towards psychiatric patients; in addition, he expressed thoughts about the need for state intervention in the process of providing psychiatric care. Sergei Sergeevich also proposed to develop and implement special measures that would be aimed at preventing mental illnesses and deviations among the country's population. Korsakov was the first to describe the manifestations of acute psychosis, which was characterized by a special memory disorder, and he also identified special stages in the development of psychoses. 

Conclusion. Familiarization with information about the lives of the greatest medical scientists is an integral stage in preparing students for future professional activities. 

Full Text

Exactly 170 years ago, Sergei Sergeevich Korsakov was born – a famous Russian researcher, scientist, and psychiatrist. Korsakov became the head of the public psychiatric movement, which united the most advanced doctors of his time. Therefore, the end of the nineteenth century in Russia is conventionally called the "Korsakov era", comparing Korsakov with the great French physician Philippe Pinel.

To get acquainted with the life story of a famous psychiatrist and his contribution to the development of medicine and psychiatry.

Research design
The article presents a review of the literature devoted to the life and contribution of Sergei Sergeevich Korsakov to psychiatry.
Compliance criteria
Such information was selected that reliably and fully sanctified the biography of this scientist.
Conditions of the event
The analysis of the information received was carried out under the supervision of scientific supervisors.
Duration of the study
From December 2023 to February 2024.
Description of the medical intervention
They were not implemented.
The main outcome of the study
It is a review of Sergei Sergeevich Korsakov's contribution to the development of psychiatry.
Additional study outcomes
Not registered.
Analysis in subgroups
It was not executed.
Methods of registering outcomes
The outcomes were recorded by examining the literature.
Statistical analysis
It was not carried out [2].

Sergey Sergeevich Korsakov (1854-1900) was a great scientist, physician, psychiatrist, researcher, one of the founders of modern psychiatry. His father, who worked as a factory manager, was actively involved in improving their settlement. He built a forty-bed hospital and started operating a local pharmacy for the first time. It was Korsakov's choice of a doctor's profession that was quite naturally consequent. At the age of 16, Korsakov graduated from the Moscow Gymnasium with a gold medal. After that, he graduated from the medical faculty of Moscow University, then worked for three years as a resident in a neurological clinic, his supervisor was Alexey Yakovlevich Kozhevnikov. In 1887, Korsakov defended his dissertation "On alcoholic paralysis", which brought him worldwide fame. A year later, he began lecturing at the Faculty of Medicine and was soon appointed director of a psychiatric clinic. In addition to describing the clinical picture of acute psychosis, Sergey Sergeevich also did a lot to study schizophrenia. The scientific and practical activities of this great scientist were imbued with the ideas of humanism. He was the first in the Russian Empire to develop and implement a system of bed rest for mental patients, a system of their "non-harassment", patronage and supervision at home. He developed the concept of preventive treatment of mental illnesses, developed a rational system of the attitude of medical staff to the patient. The system of psychiatric care he developed led to a radical reform of psychiatric institutions in Russia. Korsakov was a talented teacher, he founded the famous school of psychiatrists, which defined the ways of development of Russian psychiatry and established its global importance. Of his students, we should mention Serbsky, Kashchenko, and Gannushkin. Korsakov was also actively engaged in social activities. He initiated the publication of the first Russian journal devoted to the problems of neuropathology and psychiatry [3].

В результате исследования мы выяснили, что Сергей Сергеевич Корсаков внес большой вклад в развитие психиатрии. Он первым описал так называемый «корсаковский синдром». Также стоит отметить, что Корсакову и его ученикам принадлежит существенная роль в разработке проблем психиатрической деонтологии в России и её исполнение на практике [4].

An important part of the medical students' learning process is to gain knowledge about the life history of famous people, and their important contribution to science should not be forgotten [5].


About the authors

A. Vadimovich Silkin

Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko.

Email: anton.silkin.99@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2238-5808
SPIN-code: 4207-6665
Russian Federation, 394036, Russia, Voronezh, st. Studencheskaya, 10

A. Araikovna Abramyan

Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko.

Email: linamia2000@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9616-4362
SPIN-code: 5881-2587
Russian Federation, 394036, Russia, Voronezh, st. Studencheskaya, 10

A. Andreevich Klyukin

Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko.

Author for correspondence.
Email: flowye@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2257-3216
SPIN-code: 4657-7314
Russian Federation, 394036, Russia, Voronezh, st. Studencheskaya, 10


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