Vitamins in the Modern World: Knowledge, Practices, Influence of Information Resources, and Advertising on Consumption and Choice
- Authors: Prishchepa Y.Y.1, Nenakhov I.G.1, Poddubko A.A.1, Stepkin Y.I.1
- Voronezh State Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko
- Issue: Vol 13 (2024): Материалы XX Международного Бурденковского научного конгресса 18-20 апреля 2024 года
- Pages: 70-74
- Section: Влияние факторов внешней среды на здоровье человека
- URL:
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Abstract: The study evaluates the influence of awareness and knowledge levels regarding vitamins on the practice of consuming vitamins and their complexes among different age groups of the population. Research methods included voluntary anonymous surveying of 204 individuals both in pharmacies and online. The results indicate insufficient public awareness about the rational consumption of vitamins and the potential negative consequences of incorrect selection or excessive consumption. Among respondents in the age group of 19-26 years, only 35 out of 107 had their blood tested for vitamin levels, with 60 individuals being unaware of such a procedure, and 15 respondents considering it expensive. Eleven individuals prefer consuming vitamins in the form of medicinal preparations, attributing it to insufficient dietary balance. One hundred twelve individuals preferred combining medicinal preparations with natural juices, vegetables, and fruits. The scientific work emphasizes the necessity for more effective advertising, taking into account the real needs and scientifically proven facts about vitamins, to reduce the likelihood of incorrect consumption or product selection.
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Introduction. The relevance of the topic of studying vitamins and their role for public health is obvious in modern society, where access to information and food is diverse. In the context of the mass supply of multivitamin complexes and biologically active additives (dietary supplements), the need to develop recommendations for the effective selection of such funds becomes extremely relevant for scientific research. The importance of understanding the effect of vitamins on the biochemical and physiological processes of the body emphasizes the need for further research in this area to ensure the health and well-being of the population [1].
The aim of the work is to assess the impact of awareness and knowledge about vitamins on the practice of consuming vitamins and their complexes among various age groups of the population, as well as to analyze the relationship between advertising campaigns and the level of use of monovitamines and their complexes.
Materials and methods. In the course of the research, a voluntary anonymous survey of 204 people was conducted using both an oral survey (pharmacy visitors) and online using a "Google form". The sample consisted of 204 people, of whom 70% were female and 30% male. The age category was 52.5% of people from 19 to 26 years old, 34.8% aged 13 to 18 years old. 7.8% entered the category from 27 to 45 years old. 3.9% fell into the category of people from 46-60 years old. Less than 1% of the participants were people over the age of 60.
When assessing the financial status, it turned out that only 18.1% of respondents work, and 26% earn part-time, 52.5% belong to the category of students and unemployed students, 3.4% admitted that they temporarily do not work. Since, according to statistics published in the article pub meda, the increase in the degree of responsibility of the population when children appear is growing, the respondents were asked if they had children. The results were as follows: 86.6% deny having children, 13.2% have children.
The following tasks were set:
1. To evaluate the ideas about vitamins and their impact on human health in various population groups.
2. Determine the rationality of the consumption of specific vitamins, depending on age categories.
3. To analyze the compatibility of different types of vitamins using the example of the most popular offers.
4. To identify causal relationships between advertising activities and the level of consumption of monovitamines and their complexes.
The results of the study.
The analysis of the conducted survey on the knowledge and practice of vitamin intake among various age groups showed the following results. Among the respondents in the age group of 19-26 years, only 35 out of 107 people donated blood for vitamin content analysis, and 60 people did not know about such a procedure, and 15 considered it expensive. Nevertheless, all respondents in this age group recognized the importance of vitamin intake in the diet, and more than 70% of them regularly consume vitamin complexes as needed.
Among those aged 13 to 18, none of them donated blood for vitamin analysis. Of the 71 people in this category, 13 expressed a negative attitude towards the use of vitamins, although 40 of them use vitamin complexes if necessary.
A group of people aged 27 to 45 years (16 people) refused to take vitamin tests, considering it impractical, but everyone recognized the importance of vitamins in the diet. Ten of them regularly consume vitamin complexes, and six – as needed.
People over the age of 45 consider vitamins to be an integral part of their diet, while nine out of ten have donated blood for vitamin analysis, and five of them do it regularly.
The assessment of the practices of vitamin intake in everyday life among the population was carried out. Questions about the preferred type of vitamin intake were asked by the respondents, including pharmacy visitors.
The results showed that 11 people prefer the use of vitamins in the form of medicines, explaining this by an insufficient balanced diet. 112 people noted a preference to combine medicines with natural juices, vegetables and fruits, however, more than 50% of them noted that fortified nutrition with natural products is more expensive than complex vitamin products [2].
According to our research, according to the results of the survey, as well as the identification of sales statistics in the pharmacy of vitamin complexes, the most popular vitamins were: "Complevit", "Dopelhertz-Active", "Vitrum", "Undevit", Supradin".
1. Complivit is the first in the sales ranking, the first most popular answer in our survey, the first vitamin complex in the top search engines. There are obvious antagonistic interactions between vitamins C and B12, vitamin A and B12, as well as vitamin E, B1 and B2, B3, B6, B12, as well as with vitamin C, calcium and magnesium. Contradictions have been found in the dosages of some components, such as folic acid, which do not correspond to the daily intake rate for adults. Sucrose in the amount of 50 mg per tablet was used as an auxiliary substance, which is 1% of the daily permissible sugar intake.
2. "Doppelhertz Asset" and, in principle, the Doppelhertz range. Incompatible combinations of B vitamins, ascorbic acid and vitamin B12, vitamin B12 and vitamins A and E, among others, were found. It is important to note that the dosage of some components in this complex exceeds the daily norm, which contradicts modern recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO).
3. Manufactured by a pharmaceutical company, Vitrum Energy is very popular today, actively promoting itself through various advertising channels, including television, online advertising, as well as through network marketing in pharmacies. Our research shows that 7 out of 10 pharmacists recommend this drug.
Vitrum Energy promises a number of beneficial effects, such as increased energy, improved well-being, strengthened immunity and even restoration of vision. However, an analysis of the composition of the product shows that it does not differ from competing products in terms of the content of the main components.
For example, the content of retinol acetate (vitamin A) in the preparation is 0.8 mg, which covers 100% of the recommended daily value. However, despite the manufacturer's promises, the effectiveness of the drug may not be as high as advertised.
4. The Undevit drug remains in demand due to its affordable price, which does not exceed 100 rubles. It takes the place of an "elderly" drug in our rating. However, in addition to the obvious incompatibility of vitamins characterized by composition, this inexpensive analogue of the above-mentioned biologically active additives lags far behind the required daily allowance of necessary elements. These factors can have a negative impact on the effectiveness of the drug and its ability to meet the body's needs for vitamins and minerals. In addition, many samples do not require certification and these food additives have not been tested for safety indicators [3].
Vitamin complexes for children and pregnant women.
There is a need for special attention to vitamin complexes for children and pregnant women, given the vulnerability of their body and immunity.
Among the most popular vitamin complexes for children today, Dorpelhertz kinder stands out, designed for children from 4 years old. However, the composition of this complex is also not encouraging, including vitamins B12, C, A, E and D, which may be incompatible.
The drug "Pikovit" remains the second most popular, but an analysis of its composition also revealed the incompatibility of B vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins and other elements.
Pregnant women represent another vulnerable category of the population. There are many vitamin complexes for expectant mothers on the market. Among the most popular are "Mitravel plus" and "Complivit mama". However, the composition of these complexes also raises concerns, since the vitamin content in them is not high enough and may not meet preventive standards, as well as incompatibility between some components has been revealed.
Further research in this direction requires additional attention and analysis to ensure the effectiveness and safety of the use of vitamin complexes for these categories of the population.
The study of factors influencing the choice of vitamins.
Standard factors influencing the choice of a particular vitamin preparation include doctor's recommendations, personal experience, recommendations from acquaintances and pharmacists, as well as the impact of marketing and the price factor. To identify the main factors influencing the choice of vitamins, a survey of respondents was conducted.
Of the 40 people who indicated that they had chosen vitamins as prescribed by a doctor, none had passed a blood vitamin content test. This indicates that medical recommendations play a key role in deciding on the choice of a vitamin drug, despite the fact that patients do not always follow additional studies.
30 people noted that they chose vitamins because of their positive effect, which emphasizes the importance of personal experience and convincing results when choosing a drug.
36 people purchased vitamins on the recommendation of friends or pharmacists, which indicates the importance of first-hand recommendations when making a decision.
7 people paid attention to the price and advertising when choosing vitamins, which indicates the influence of marketing strategies and financial aspects on the consumer's decision.
Information resources about vitamins on the Internet.
There are many resources on the Internet that provide information about vitamins and their effects on the human body. These resources allow you to obtain reliable information about the content of vitamins in food, their usefulness or harm, the need for various categories of the population and the correct method of application.
Examples of some online resources:
Many of these resources provide little information about the need to assess the vitamin status of the body. To do this, it is necessary to consult a doctor and, if necessary, conduct a comprehensive blood test for vitamins, which will allow you to assess the body's vitamin supply, identify deficiencies or excesses, and also choose the appropriate diet.
Vitamin status assessment is recommended in the following cases:
1) To assess the body's vitamin supply.
2) To assess the adequacy of nutrition by vitamin composition.
3) To identify the causes of decreased immunity, fatigue, irritability, headaches and other negative conditions.
When choosing vitamin complexes, it is also worth considering their compatibility and the correct method of application in order to avoid possible negative consequences.
Effervescent vitamin tablets are not always suitable for everyone. People suffering from peptic ulcer disease or gastritis in the acute stage may experience deterioration when they are consumed.
Currently, vitamins are available that are focused on solving specific problems such as stress, brittle hair and nails, for pregnant women, nursing mothers, athletes, teenagers, with strenuous mental work, as well as containing magnesium, iron and other trace elements. This allows you to choose a complex of vitamins depending on the individual needs of the body. It is recommended to take vitamins during diets and fasting to support the body during a period of limited or inadequate nutrition.
Self-administration of vitamins can lead to overkill if the recommended dosages are not followed. Too much can cause various negative consequences, such as allergies, increased liver load, intoxication and even the development of cancer. Fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. Popular diets are also dangerous, which are often distributed among certain circles of society focused on maintaining an optimal weight from their point of view [4].
Vitamins and minerals interact with each other at several levels: pharmaceutical, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic. When creating vitamin complexes, manufacturers take these interactions into account, but control over the interaction at subsequent levels lies with the consumer himself.
The effect of advertising on vitamin intake.
According to the motto of the 21st century, advertising is the engine of commerce. Despite the fact that less than 1% of respondents in our study stated that their choice of vitamins does not depend on marketing, sales statistics of fortified drugs indicate the opposite.
According to the strategic marketing plan, 60% of sales are for vitamin complexes, 37% for non-marketing complexes, and only 3% for certain types of vitamins. This sales ratio indicates not only the lack of awareness of the population about the choice of vitamins, but also the successful impact of advertising campaigns.
For example, the Dorpelhertz Active advertising company promises effects such as vision restoration, slowing down the aging process, increasing hemoglobin levels and even an anti-inflammatory effect. Vitrum Energy and Vitrum Immunity promise to increase immunity, prevent the development of cancer, cleanse the liver and even treat coronavirus infection.
The Complivit advertising campaign has received a huge number of views on social networks, on television, radio and on marketplaces. Thus, advertising affects all human senses, leaving drugs in a constant subconscious "aloud".
The public is not sufficiently informed about the need and rational use of vitamins, which can lead to incorrect choices and even excessive consumption.
The study showed that the consumption of specific vitamins is not always rational, especially depending on age categories. Among the respondents in the age group of 19-26 years, only 35 out of 107 people donated blood for vitamin content analysis, and 60 people did not know about such a procedure, and 15 respondents considered it expensive. 11 people prefer the use of vitamins in the form of medicines, explaining this by insufficient nutrition balance. 112 people noted a preference to combine medicines with natural juices, vegetables and fruits.
The most popular offers of vitamin complexes have insufficient compatibility of various types of vitamins, which can negatively affect their effectiveness and even lead to unpleasant health consequences.
Advertising plays a significant role in the level of consumption of monovitamines and their complexes. Bright and aggressive advertising of vitamin preparations, often containing false promises of usefulness and effectiveness, has a strong impact on consumers, encouraging them to purchase goods, even despite the lack of evidence of their effectiveness and incompatibility of components.
Conclusion. In the course of our study, the goal was achieved - to assess the awareness of the population about the consumption of vitamins and their complexes. The results showed that the public is insufficiently informed and incompetent in the choice and use of vitamins. Pharmaceutical companies often offer ineffective vitamin complexes, focusing on bright advertising and attractive packaging, not paying attention to the compatibility of vitamins. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor before purchasing expensive and popular vitamins. An individually selected complex of vitamins may be required for each person, or vitamins may be contraindicated due to excess in the body.
Today, most people are able to provide themselves with adequate nutrition at any time of the year, but they still succumb to outdated advertising slogans about the need for additional vitamins.
About the authors
Yulia Yurievna Prishchepa
Voronezh State Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko
ORCID iD: 0009-0005-3074-4283
Russian Federation, 10 Studentskaya str.,394036 Voronezh, Russian Federation
Ivan Gennadievich Nenakhov
Voronezh State Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7942-2844
SPIN-code: 9905-2934
Russian Federation, 10 Studentskaya str.,394036 Voronezh, Russian Federation
Alyona Alexandrovna Poddubko
Voronezh State Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko
ORCID iD: 0009-0006-0921-2140
Russian Federation, 10 Studentskaya str.,394036 Voronezh, Russian Federation
Yuri Ivanovich Stepkin
Voronezh State Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1255-293X
SPIN-code: 7189-4861
Russian Federation, 10 Studentskaya str.,394036 Voronezh, Russian Federation
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