World Health Day: History, Traditions and the Role of Ministries and Departments in Maintaining the Health of the Population jf the Russian Federation
- Authors: Trufanova S.D.1, Nenakhov I.G.1
- Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko
- Pages: 212-215
- URL:
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This work is devoted to the study of the history and traditions of the establishment of the World Health Day, as well as the role of national ministries and departments in ensuring the health of the population of the Russian Federation. The main purpose of the work is to raise awareness of the importance of maintaining health and preventing diseases. Various materials and methods were used in the work, including available sources, the WHO official website, official documents and reports provided by relevant agencies, statistical data on the health status of the population of the Russian Federation, as well as scientific articles and publications. WHO celebrates Health Day on April 7 in honor of the ratification of the UN Charter documents in the spring of 1948. It coordinates national health agencies, develops standards and recommendations, monitors sanitary standards and fights infectious diseases. In Russia, the Ministry of Health and Rospotrebnadzor monitor compliance with sanitary requirements, develop regulatory legal acts and implement national projects.
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The interjection "hello" and the guttural "health" used in the loud greetings of military parades have etymological roots associated with the word "health". Thus, the topic of human health remains on the ear constantly. Within the framework of cultural traditions, health wishes are an obligatory part of toasts at cordial receptions. Elderly people tend to complain about the lack of health, while medical science strives to preserve and improve human health and prevent harm to it.
The topic of health and its significance are among the main areas of research in medicine. Health is defined as a state of physical, mental and social well-being. In modern medicine, the emphasis is on the prevention of diseases and their early diagnosis in order to ensure timely and effective treatment [1]. Thanks to constant research in medicine, significant advances have been made in the treatment and prevention of many diseases.
The purpose of the work is to study the history and traditions of the establishment of the World Health Day, as well as the role of national ministries and departments in ensuring the health of the population of the Russian Federation, in order to raise awareness of the importance of maintaining health and preventing diseases.
Tasks of the work.
1. To identify the main historical prerequisites for the establishment of the World Health Day by the World Health Organization (WHO).
2. To consider the main aspects of WHO functioning within the framework of preventive medicine, preserving the health of the population of various countries.
3. To assess the role of ministries and departments (Ministry of Health of Russia, Rospotrebnadzor, etc.) of the Russian Federation in preserving the health of the population and timed to World Health Day.
Materials and methods:
To study the history of the institution of World Health Day, available sources were used, including the official website of the World Health Organization (WHO). To determine the role of national ministries and departments in maintaining public health, official documents and reports provided by the relevant departments, as well as statistical data on the health status of the population of the Russian Federation, were analyzed. In addition, scientific articles and publications devoted to the role of various departments in the aspect of preserving the health of the population of the Russian Federation were analyzed.
The main part.
Attention to health is one of the key priorities of the world community. To mark this important issue, a specific day was chosen - April 7 - World Health Day. This is not a random choice, because it was on this spring day in 1948 that the statutory documents of the World Health Organization (WHO, World Health Organization in English) were ratified at the UN. Previously, this function was performed by international education under the auspices of the League of Nations since 1923. In addition, WHO has brought a new level to the work on healthcare and inherited its headquarters in Geneva from its predecessor.
The number of countries included in the ranks of WHO speaks about the importance of health issues for the world community. In total, the organization consists of 194 countries from all continents, which indicates its planetary reach. In addition, WHO's doors are also open to territories that are not eligible subjects according to international canons, and associative representation in some departments is provided for them. Thus, WHO plays an important role in the development and coordination of international health programs aimed at improving the health of people around the world [5].
The list of problems to be solved and the scope of the structure's activities are quite extensive. WHO bodies are called upon to coordinate the efforts of national ministries and departments in the field of health (including preventive orientation), to develop standard approaches for all countries on health issues, to focus on the development and transfer of advanced technologies, the processing of statistical information and the development of international recommendations. The interests of the world organization affect sanitation: norms and rules, their implementation, statistics. The International Institute of Health closely monitors the quality of training of medical personnel, promptly responds to outbreaks of infectious diseases, makes a feasible contribution to the improvement of the human environment. The budget of the structure allows to support to a certain extent relevant scientific research, medical and biological research [5].
This year, World Health Day is celebrated in honor of the 75th anniversary of the creation of the World Health Organization (WHO) with the motto "Health for all". This anniversary year serves as an occasion to celebrate the achievements that have been achieved in the field of public health over the past seventy years, which has improved the quality of people's lives. In addition, it also provides an opportunity to support actions to address current and future health issues. In the light of the global environmental crisis, the spread of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, WHO draws the attention of the world community to the need to strengthen the movement for the creation of a society aimed at preserving human health.
One of the most effective ways to preserve health is prevention, which includes measures to promote health, prevent and eliminate the causes of morbidity. Everyone can contribute to the preservation of their health, and an important role in this process is played by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and observing its basic principles, including proper nutrition, regular sleep for at least 7 hours a day, sufficient physical activity, compliance with the daily routine, minimizing stressful situations, compliance with personal hygiene rules and refusal to bad habits.
World Health Day is celebrated for propaganda purposes. On the eve of the holiday and directly on April 7, cultural and educational events are held, actions are organized and there is a surge in the popularization of a healthy lifestyle in the media.
Medical workers, public organizations to combat HIV infection, sports organizations and educational institutions take an active part in the information and wellness company. Informative lectures and quizzes in classrooms, excursions and open days in sports facilities, marathons and outdoor outdoor games, flash mobs aimed at combating harmful habits for the body, publications and expositions — this is a far from complete list of common steps timed to this day [3].
Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor) He also takes an active part in popularizing a healthy lifestyle and preserving the health of the nation's population, including a large number of organizational events tied to the World Health Day. For example, taking care of the health and well-being of Russians, improving their quality of life is one of the priorities of state policy. Russia stands out among other countries for its efforts at the state level to promote and popularize the principles of healthy nutrition. To achieve this goal, the project "Healthy Nutrition" was launched, implemented by Rospotrebnadzor within the framework of the national project "Demography". Rospotrebnadzor takes care of comprehensive multi-level protection of Russians, including quality control and food safety. For this purpose, a system for monitoring the nutritional status of various population groups has been introduced, which evaluates the actual nutrition of Russian residents in different regions, processes data and conducts a detailed analysis of the results, is engaged in hygienic education and training of the population in matters of preserving public health [2]. Within the framework of the Healthy Food project, regular and large-scale educational work is also carried out among adults and young people. The total number of people covered by the project in 2023 exceeded 200 million.
As part of the World Health Day, Rospotrebnadzor is conducting an extensive information campaign, which involves the media and partners. On this day on the website healthy-nutrition.The Russian Federation publishes text and video materials on the importance of a healthy lifestyle, tips on switching to proper nutrition, expert comments, as well as congratulations from the ambassadors of the Healthy Nutrition project. The prospects for development include the implementation of even larger projects on nutrition, food hygiene, changing approaches to food consumption by the population [4] and deeper integration into the activities of Ministries and departments of the Russian Federation.
The World Health Day has organically fit into the calendar of significant and memorable dates of our state, just as the phraseology has settled forever in our speech: "God grant health!"
1. World Health Day is celebrated on April 7. On this day, in the spring of 1948, the statutory documents of the World Health Organization (WHO) were ratified at the UN. Previously, this function was performed by an international entity under the auspices of the League of Nations since 1923. WHO has brought a new level to the work on health and inherited the headquarters in Geneva from its predecessor.
2. The WHO structure coordinates the efforts of national health authorities, develops standards and recommendations for all countries, monitors compliance with sanitary standards, trains medical personnel and fights infectious diseases.
About the authors
Sofia Dmitrievna Trufanova
Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0495-6347
SPIN-code: 4047-8684
student of the 3th year Faculty of Medicine and Prevention
Russian Federation, 10 Studentskaya str., Voronezh, 394036, RussiaIvan Gennadievich Nenakhov
Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7942-2844
SPIN-code: 9905-2934
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Hygiene Disciplines
Russian Federation, 10 Studentskaya str., Voronezh, 394036, RussiaReferences
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