- Authors: Lagutina S., Chizhkov P.
- Issue: Vol 9 (2020): Материалы XVI Международной Бурденковской научной конференции 23-25 апреля 2020 года
- Pages: 215-216
- Section: Управление в здравоохранении
- URL:
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Relevance. Morbidity indicators, today, are leading in characterizing the health of the population. The deterioration of the health of the younger generation, in particular of students, contributes to a significant reduction in life expectancy, and also entails economic losses.
Goal. To analyze the statistical data on the morbidity rates of the student population for the period 2015 - 2019. on the example of a student polyclinic (BUZ VO VGKP №1) in Voronezh.
Materials and methods. A statistical analysis of the official reporting data of VGKP No. 1 was carried out, relative indicators were calculated, the following values were calculated: t - Student's test, arithmetic mean value (M), standard deviation (σ), arithmetic mean error (m). Differences in values were considered significant at t> 2.0; p <0.05.
Research results. The overall morbidity of students studying at the N.N.Burdenko VSMU has decreased by 28.2%. Indicators of primary morbidity of students decreased by 17.5%. Distribution of disease classes in the structure of the total morbidity of students in 2015 - 2019 showed that non-infectious diseases prevail 4.75 times over the group of infectious diseases. The leading pathologies among were: diseases of the respiratory system (32.4%), as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system in 36%, pathology of the musculoskeletal system (19.6%), visual analyzer (12%). Morbidity with temporary disability among students of V.G. NN Burdenko during the study period decreased. In the number of registered cases of temporary incapacity for work, ZVUT decreased 1.7 times from 7.9 to 4.2 per 100 students of the university.
Conclusions. By 2019, the overall and primary morbidity tended to decrease, but despite the ongoing preventive measures, it still remains at a fairly high level.
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The incidence of the population is one of the main indicators characterizing the health of the nation. The deteriorating health of the younger generation, including the student population, which determines the significant intellectual potential for Russia, in recent years has contributed to a significant change in morbidity rates. The incidence reflects the level, frequency of the prevalence of the disease among the population of various groups, and also determines the effectiveness of the work of various medical institutions directly. Based on the current situation, the priority is the protection of the health of the student population, as well as the formation of their motivational resistance to a healthy lifestyle at the stages of primary prevention of the outpatient link. Outpatient and polyclinic morbidity indicators among the student population make it possible to determine the quality and effectiveness of medical care, to assess the work of the treatment and prophylactic unit [1, 2].
Conduct a statistical analysis of the general and primary morbidity of students of VSMU named after N.N.Burdenko, as well as morbidity with temporary disability for 2015 - 2019. on the example of BUZ VO VGKP №1 (student polyclinic in Voronezh).
1. Study design
We analyzed the data of the official statistical reporting of the BUZ VO VGKP No. 1 in Voronezh (information on the number of diseases registered in patients living in the service area (form 12), registration forms of primary medical documentation: student medical records (form 025-3 / y ), sheets of temporary disability of students (form 095 / y)).
2. Conditions
The study was attended by BUZ VO VGKP №1 (student polyclinic) of Voronezh, on the basis of which took place: collection, analysis of the information.
3. Duration of research
This study was part of a large-scale study and processing of statistical data on the basis of this institution, which took 1 year and 6 months and continues to the present.
4. Description of the medical intervention
No medical interventions have been performed on patients. The study of documentation (medical records of students (form 025-3 / y), sheets of temporary disability of students (form 095 / y)), as well as archive data was carried out.
5. The main outcome of the study
"True point" - indicators of the morbidity of the student population for the study period, as well as indicators of students' appeal for medical care, indicators of morbidity with temporary disability.
6. Additional study outcomes
Detailed indicators of morbidity by organs and systems were identified.
7. Analysis in subgroups
For the study, five groups of studied values were created, the data of which were studied for the period 2015 - 2019, respectively. The criteria were indicators of the morbidity of the student population.
8. Methods of registration of outcomes
Studied statistical data of patients. We calculated the relative indicators characterizing the prevalence of signs per 1000 (100) people. All calculations were performed using Microsoft Excel.
9. Statistical analysis
Statistical data were processed using t - Student's test with direct calculation of the arithmetic mean (M), standard deviation (σ), and arithmetic mean error (m). Differences in values were considered significant at t> 2.0; p <0.05.
Objects (participants) of the study: outpatient records of patients of BUZ VO VGKP No. 1 for 2015 - 2019.
The main results of the study: During the study period (2015 - 2019), it should be noted that the total morbidity of students studying at the N.N. Burdenko VSMU decreased by 28.2% (from 664.3 to 477.0 cases per 1000 students). At the same time, the number of sick students in the period 2016 - 2017. decreased 1.3 times faster than in other years. The primary morbidity among students of the N.N.Burdenko VSMU for the studied period of time was as follows: a decrease by 17.5% from 326 to 268, 9 cases per 1000 students. The most significant decrease in indicators was also observed in the period 2016 - 2017. (there was a decrease in the indicator by 1.45 times). Also, an analysis of morbidity by organs and systems of organs was carried out, indicators of infectious and non-infectious morbidity were identified among students of V.G. NN Burdenko for this period. Distribution of disease classes in the structure of the total morbidity of students in 2015 - 2019 shows that non-infectious diseases prevail 4.75 times over infectious ones. The leading pathology among non-infectious diseases are: diseases of the respiratory system (respiratory tract) and make up 32.4%, 2nd place is taken by diseases of the cardiovascular system (31.6%), 18.6% - by pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, 12 , 7% - pathologies of the eye and visual apparatus, 3 6% - pathologies of the organs of the genitourinary system, 1.1% - diseases of organs of other systems. Among these indicator
Additional research results: Morbidity with temporary disability of students of VSMU named after N.N.Burdenko during the study period decreased, with the exception of 2018, where there was a slight increase in incidence rates. In terms of days of disability, the ZVUT decreased 1.6 times from 52.1 in 2015 to 32.5 per 100 students in 2019. Among the registered cases of temporary disability, the ZVUT decreased 1.7 times from 7.9 to 4 , 2 per 100 students of the university. In the structure of ZVUT (by days of incapacity for work) of Voronezh students by 2019, respiratory diseases (69.1%), injuries and poisoning (16%), inflammatory diseases of organs of other systems (15%) were most often noted.
Adverse events: during the work carried out, it was not identified.
Summary of the main result of the study: The analysis of data on the morbidity of students was carried out on the basis of BUZ VO VGKP No. 1 (student polyclinic), as well as indicators of disability, data on dispensary registration due to illness for the last 5 years.
Study Limitations: None identified.
Based on the studies carried out, it can be concluded that the total morbidity of students who sought medical help at the BUZ VO VGKP No. 1 began to decline by 2019, approaching the average morbidity of students in Voronezh. National programs related to the work of primary care at the moment of the research are not fully implemented in the work of outpatient-polyclinic doctors, which allows keeping the overall morbidity rate among students at a sufficiently high level. Also, the somatic status of students can be influenced by the complexity of the educational process and the loads performed while studying at NN Burdenko VSMU.
About the authors
Svetlana Lagutina
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3730-5265
SPIN-code: 3165-2380
Russian Federation
Pavel Chizhkov
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5626-0579
SPIN-code: 5108-3444
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