Vol 4, No 1 (2001)
- Year: 2001
- Articles: 21
- URL: https://new.vestnik-surgery.com/index.php/2070-9277/issue/view/37

In the work the results are presented of surfactant level in expired air condensate (EAC) in healthy and mucoviscidosis children using chemiluminometer ХЛЬ 1Ц-01 with an attachment for chemiluminescent quencher detection. It was identified that the average surfactant level in EAC by the chemiluminescent quencher degree was 1,7-2,0 times lower in healthy children than in patients with mucoviscidosis during the remission period, and 7,2-8,1 times lower than in the phase of initial exacerbation; in children with mucoviscidosis the surfactant level in the phase of initial exacerbation was 3,6-4,8 times higher, and at the height of exacerbation - 6,0-8,8 times higher, than in remission period.
Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2001;4(1):8-11

Computer technologies in psychosomatic interactions assessment in chronic cholecystitis
Psychosomatic interactions were studied in chronic cholecystitis patients (CC) with the use of computer technologies to develop an effective system of treatment and preventive measures. Alexitimia is found in CC patients with a high frequency - in 56,7% of cases. Alexitimia patients are characterized by the increased susceptibility towards depressive type of reaction in stress conditions, and this is a stable feature. The distinctive influence of psychological status indices on the features of disease clinical course, behavioral peculiarities (smoking, alcohol abuse) was revealed in CC patients (alexitimia, 1, 2, 3, 6, 8 rating scales), which speaks for the necessity of effective system development of psychotherapeutic and psycho-pharmaceutic correction to increase the quality of life of CC patients.
Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2001;4(1):12-15

At present great experimental material is accumulated concerning the function anesthetics in biological systems, however their action mechanism is still unknown. The authors propose some concrete results of interdependencies, received in development of quantitative relations “structure - activity” for different compounds from anaesthetic family.
Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2001;4(1):16-19

The role of emotional deprivation in somatic pathology formation
In the article the results are presented of 64 children examination in Voronezh 1st City Clinical Children’s Hospital with clinical and functional supplements. On this basis the conclusions were made of the emotional deprivation influence on complaints formation at somatic pathology and psychological problems.
Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2001;4(1):20-23

Assessmentofsuprasegmentvegetativedysfunctionanddisease “inner” course
The method is proposed in optimization of early diagnosis and quantitative assessment of suprasegment vegetative dysfunction with the use of questionnaires, psychological testing, and vegetologic examination. The possibilities are shown for studying the disease inner course identifying the profile of its features individual actuality.
Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2001;4(1):24-28

A.V. Budnevsky, E.A. SlusarevSystematic approach to psychosomatic interactions assessment in internal diseases clinical course
A systematic analysis of psychosomatic interactions was carried out for ulcerous disease to develop a method for multi-traditional choice of psychopharmocorrection and increase the. efficacy of treatment and preventive measures. The application of many-dimensional statistic analysis allowed to determine the most important psychosomatic correlation, permitting to develop algorithmization schemes for psychopharmocorrection in stomach and duodenal ulcer.
Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2001;4(1):29-32

Cardio-vascular system status in children with iron-deficient anemia (literature review)
Literature data is summarized concerning the issues of etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, prevention, and treatment of iron-deficient anemia in children, taking into account their age categories.
Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2001;4(1):33-35

The experience of program realization in extracorporal fertilization (according to extracorporal fertilization (EF) laboratory data of Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital)
The laboratory data indicate that EF reproductive outcomes represent 24,2% of pregnancies to the beginning of the cycle, 24,6% of pregnancies - to aspiration numbers, and 25,4% - to embryotransmission, that corresponds to literature data. In superovulation stimulation under the sole sonography control the quantity of aborted cycles and the percent of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome does not increase. The presence of sactosalpinxes has a negative influence on the EF cycles realization at the stage of transmitted embryo implantation.
Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2001;4(1):36-38

The use of MRT in complex diagnostic algorithm for bone metastasis of prostate gland cancer
A comparative analysis was conducted concerning diagnostic value of laser diagnosis different methods of bone metastasis in prostate gland cancer. It was determined that the absence of laser load on the patient, comparatively low cost of low-polar magnetic-resonance therapy (MRT), high contrast resolution of MR bone images, independence of their quality from the degree of bone tissue meniralization, possibility of multi-planar bone examination make bone MRT application in diagnostic algorithm for bone metastasis of prostate gland cancer more favorable, than bone scintigraphy, regular bone radiography, and X-ray contrast tomography. Criteria for pelvis bones and spinal code MRT selection in prostate gland cancer should be: PSA level (> 10 ng/ml), T2-T3 stages of tumor process, medium- and low-differentiated tumors, independent of prostate gland cancer stages.
Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2001;4(1):39-43

Gas discharged visualization as one of the diagnostic methods for mucoviscidosis
A comparative characteristics of the received indices was presented with the use of gas-discharged visualization method in 3 groups of children: 18 children with mucoviscidosis were examined, 12 children having bronchial asthma, and 31 control children. This method is easily and quickly performed, it is safe and informative, and it could be proposed as diagnostic method for mucoviscidosis.
Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2001;4(1):44-46

Suicides in Children and Teenagers
The analysis was conducted concerning 89 case histories of children and teenager, who were admitted to the 1st City Clinical Hospital in connection with suicide attempt. The cases of secondary suicide attempt were observed and the conclusion was made of prolonged observation necessity and rehabilitation of suicides. The article also gives literature review concerning this issue.
Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2001;4(1):47-51

Dynamics of general morbidity of locomotive team of workers and possible ways of their occupational longevity increase
In 15 workers of locomotive crew, suffering from hypertension disease of the 1st degree the efficiency of beta-blocker athenol therapy was examined on the basis physical capacity for work, cardiac rhythm variability indices, central and peripheral hemodynamic indices. The analysis of the initial and control indices revealed the normalizing influence of ahtenol on the examined parameters; systolic arterial pressure lowered from 153±7,2 to 128±2,9 mm of mercury column, diastolic arterial blood pressure - from 92±2,3 to 79±2,5 mm of mercury column (p<0,05). The level of physical work capacity gave 24% of increase, the value of elasticity volume module decreased on 21,22%, general peripheral vascular resistance - on 9,7% vascular deformation factor increased on 20,58%. Analyzing the dynamics of cardiac rhythm variability, normalization in correlation between sympathetic and parasympathetic chain of nervous system vegetative regulation was marked.
Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2001;4(1):52-55

The experience of liver ultrasonography structuring in workers dealing with chemical agents
Models for hierarchical priorities were built for prescribing ultrasonic lever test. The conducted researches confirm the expediency and availability of mathematical modeling application for rational management of ultrasonic testing and echographic data interpretation in hepathologic profile patients.
Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2001;4(1):56-58

To the question of general status severity assessment
The view is stated on the problem concerning the assessment of general status severity in general medical practice, interdependent criteria are proposed for its detection - they are work capacity disturbance, capacity to self-service on the one hand and on the other hand - the necessary of intensive treatment.
Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2001;4(1):59-62

Algorithmization for correction of psychosomatic correlation at ulcerous disease
The aim of the research is to develop two-level procedure methods of multi-rational choice for psychopharmocorrection in duodenal ulcer (DU), providing the sequence of interactive problem solutions in the therapy choice with participation of the physician in charge in the dialogue and mechanical process. Melatonin and dalargin therapy of DU during 10 days leads to the decrease of anxiety and depression syndrome intensity, correlating with the decrease of alexitimia level. Two-level procedure methods of multi-rational choice for DU psychopharmocorrection provides the sequence of interactive problem solutions in the therapy choice with participation of the physician in charge in the dialogue and mechanical process.
Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2001;4(1):63-66

A major role in pathogenesis of nephropathy development is given to hyperfiltration and renal tubules pathology. In this work the comparison was made between the level of glomerular filtration (GF) and uroproteinogram in 42 children aged 3 to 15 with pyelonephritis (PN). It was determined that at the normal GF level, physiological type of uroproteinogram was revealed in most cases, corresponding to healthy children. And at the high GF level mixed type of uroproteinogram was revealed more frequently with marked tubular dysfunction (45,83), which is definitely more often (p<0,001), compared with patients, having normal GF. Thus marked tubular dysfunction was revealed at increasing speed of glomerular filtration in children with pyelonephritis.
Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2001;4(1):67-69

Regression analysis of mandibular biometric parameters
Regression analysis was presented for mandibular biometric parameters according to Box-Benin. The revealed dependencies allow modeling the shape of alveolar process before surgical intervention and alveolar part of orthopedic construction in patients with maxillary bones deformations. The workers of South-East Railway locomotive crews were examined for disease incidence in the period from 1999 to 2000. The results of examinations before trips revealed an increase in cases of discharge from work, where the main reason was the raise in arterial blood pressure values exceeding the normal values, recommended by the order of Railway Communications Ministry Health Department. At that the greatest increase in cardio-vascular pathology was marked: for example an increase of hospital check up cases in connection with arterial hypertension grew on 19,6%, ischemic heart disease - on 28%. The most frequent hospital treatment locomotive-drivers and their assistants received in the age from 31 to 50 years old, and this is the main reserve of the given industrial group.
Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2001;4(1):70-72

Legal aspects of chargeable services in dentistry
The work views the issues of correlation between chargeable and budget (free of charge) service in conditions of state dental hospital on the basis of corresponding legal documents.
Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2001;4(1):73-75

Computer subsystem of stomatogenic sepsis early diagnosis and treatment in patients with facial and cervical inflammatory diseases
The article is devoted to stomatogenic sepsis diagnosis and treatment for patients with facial and cervical inflammatory diseases. It is proposed to solve the problem on the basis of diagnostic methods improvement, prediction of purulent process course, criteria development for differential diagnosis of purulent infection forms, computer programs creation for early detection and treatment of septic patients.
Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2001;4(1):76-79

With tselyudifferentsiatsiyadi types of cerebral venous gemodi-dynamics and their correction examined 73 people who held deepening lenoe-clinical examination. The findings suggest that for the correct diagnosis and treatment of certain types of cerebral circulation inferiority complex about the need to follow-including REG, ORG, Doppler ultrasound, fundus ophthalmoscopy, X-rays of the cervical spine. In some cases, use is-not all of these methods, such as one-reoentse falografii, does not provide a true picture of the disease that eventually leads to no adequate administration of drugs.
Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2001;4(1):80-83