Vol 27, No 4 (2024): Опубликован 27.12.2024
- Year: 2024
- Articles: 17
- URL: https://new.vestnik-surgery.com/index.php/2070-9277/issue/view/224
Full Issue
Comparison of the effectiveness of surfactants in sclerotherapy of venous malformations in the maxillofacial region
Venous malformations are among the most common vascular lesions in the maxillofacial region. Depending on the form and location, various treatment methods can be applied. One of the most widely used treatments for venous malformations in the maxillofacial area is sclerotherapy.
From 2018 to 2024, 60 patients with venous malformations of the maxillofacial region were treated and examined in the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery at the Clinical Hospital No. 4 of Sechenov University. The treatment method involved sclerotherapy using foam forms of ethoxysclerol and fibrovein.
The use of 3% ethoxysclerol foam and fibrovein for the treatment of patients with venous malformations of the head, neck, and oral cavity has proven its effectiveness based on clinical and additional methods of assessing the quality of treatment. The method is minimally invasive, easy to apply, and is the preferred choice for treating patients with this pathology. On average, according to ultrasound data, malformations decreased by 56% as a result of treatment.

Analysis of orthodontic treatment of patients in cooperation with doctors of related specialties, such as an otolaryngologist, pediatric orthopedist, neurologist, and the results of treatment of patients in the presence or absence of cooperation on the part of the patient. Despite the fact that the processes of development of anomalies of the dental system under the influence of factors such as nasal breathing disorders, posture problems, bad habits have been studied for a long time, orthodontists do not always achieve the necessary clinical result. Using the example of two groups of patients who underwent orthodontic treatment, the article analyzes the achieved results of treatment, depending on how fully the recommendations of the doctors involved in rehabilitation were fulfilled. In addition, a study of patient satisfaction with treatment was conducted, which focused on the need for a personalized interdisciplinary approach.

The effect of the gum retraction technique on the quality of the marginal fit of composite restorations in the cervical area of teeth (laboratory study)
A comparative laboratory study of the quality of the marginal fit and hermeticism of composite restorations in the cervical area of teeth was carried out, depending on the method of using means for chemomechanical gum retraction, prevention and stopping bleeding when using a universal adhesive interacting with dentin through the mechanism of transformation of the smear layer when using the technique of selective enamel etching. The best indicators of the marginal fit and tightness of the "composite material / tooth tissue" border were recorded when rinsing the cavity with a large amount of water and the final preparation of the cavity – removal of surface dentin that had contact with a preparation containing aluminum chloride 0.9±0.58 points, which does not statistically differ from the indicator of the control group – 0.7±0.55 points (p>0.05) and significantly exceeds the indicators of the groups in which the treatment with a hemostatic drug was carried out without subsequent rinsing with water – an estimate of 4.6±1.10 points (p<0.05) or was treated with a hemostatic preparation followed by rinsing the cavity with a large amount of water 2.2±0.95 points (p<0.05). The data obtained should be taken into account when planning and conducting direct composite restoration of teeth with cervical defects.

Candidiasis of the oral mucosa in HIV-positive patients
Поражения полости рта являются одними из ранних признаков ВИЧ-инфекции, и у лиц с неизвестным ВИЧ-статусом они могут свидетельствовать о возможном диагнозе ВИЧ. Цель: сравнить распространенность кандидоза у ВИЧ позитивных пациентов в зависимости от уровня CD4 клеток. Материалы и методы: было проведено комплексное стоматологическое обследование 842 ВИЧ позитивных пациентов, с уровнем CD4-клеток от 0 до >500 кл/мл. Все пациенты были распределены на 3 группы, в зависимости от уровня CD4 клеток: 1 группа - CD4 >500 кл/мл, 2 группа - CD4 200-500 кл/мл, 3 группа - CD4 0-199 кл/мл. Результаты: из обследованных 842 пациентов, у 511 был выявлен кандидоз различной локализации. В группе с наименьшим количеством CD4 клеток кандидоз встречался достоверно чаще. Также нами были выявлены случаи сочетания кандидоза с другими заболеваниями слизистой. При высоком уровне CD4 клеток кандидоз наиболее часто встречался, как изолированное заболевание полости рта, и, наоборот, при снижении уровня клеток у пациентов к кандидозу присоединялись другие оппортунистические заболевания полости рта. Вывод: Во всех группах пациентов кандидоз встречался достоверно часто. Локализация была различной: кандидоз полости рта, кандидозный глоссит, кандидозный хейлит. Высокий уровень распространенности кандидоза у ВИЧ позитивных пациентов, показывает необходимость включения лечения у врача-стоматолога для повышения качества уровня жизни данных пациентов.

Clinical application of prp-therapy in dental implantation
Modern dentistry actively applies cellular technologies, especially in the field of dental implantation. It is connected with the fact that standard methods of implantation do not always reach the necessary level of efficiency. This article discusses the introduction of cellular technologies in dental implantation, emphasizing the key techniques and advantages, as well as providing examples of their successful application in practice. Research results confirm that cellular technologies can significantly improve the performance and longevity of implants. In this context, further scientific search for new methods and combined approaches aimed at enhancing the therapeutic effect on the inflammation focus with simultaneous high biological activity and safety remains a priority of modern dental science.

The article considers the urgent problem of improving the methods of re-prosthetics for patients with failed orthopedic structures and periodontal diseases. The fundamental differences between repeated prosthetics and re-prosthetics are determined, and the need to search for optimal methods of tooth restoration taking into account the state of periodontal tissues is substantiated.
The key advantages of the vertical preparation technique are revealed, including minimal invasiveness, the possibility of creating an optimal ferrule effect and a more uniform distribution of the occlusal load. The main limitations of the method, such as the risk of overhanging edges and the need for a long period of tissue healing, are determined.
The study included a comprehensive assessment of the clinical effectiveness of the vertical preparation technique in re-prosthetics with fixed orthopedic structures. The study involved 32 patients (19 women and 13 men) aged 42 to 58 years, divided into the main (n = 17) and control (n = 15) groups. The observation period was 18 months.
The features of the clinical and radiographic examination of patients are considered, the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of treatment are determined. A detailed treatment protocol is presented, including the stages of preparation, temporary prosthetics and the manufacture of permanent structures. Particular attention is paid to the technique of performing vertical preparation and the formation of an optimal eruption profile

The issues related to the treatment of apical periodontitis of single-root and multi-root teeth, burdened by the absence of apical constriction, periradicular destruction of bone tissue and internal root resorption, have been studied. The aim of the work was to find the causes leading to complications after endodontic dental treatment with apical periodontitis.
Materials and methods. Clinical studies of 63 patients with aggravated chronic periodontitis after root canal obturation were conducted using external examination, intraoral examination, assessment of the periodontal condition (percussion, degree of tooth mobility) and cone-beam computed tomography. When evaluating the images of the apical part of the tooth roots, the absence of apical constriction of the tooth canals or destruction of apical constriction was revealed.
The authors concluded that gutta-percha serves as a good framework for bacterial colonization. Endotoxins and bacteria that have penetrated into the periapical site entail inflammatory processes that contribute to extensive demineralization of the spongy bone and the cortical layer, which leads to the further development of periradicular destruction of bone tissue. It is necessary to develop new methods of obturation of the root canals of teeth, burdened by the absence of apical constriction, periradicular destruction of bone tissue and resorption.

Efficiency of a russian-made light-cured composite material in the treatment of caries of posterior teeth (a comparative clinical study)
A comparative study of the efficiency of using the Russian-made light-curing composite material ReLight and the composite material Харизма Клиник in the treatment of caries of lateral teeth with cavities of class I and II according to Black was conducted. 217 teeth were treated: ReLight - 50 restorations of class I according to Black, 77 restorations of class II according to Black, Charisma Clinic - 41 restorations of class I according to Black, 49 restorations of class II according to Black. Observation periods: 7-14 days, 6 months, 12 months, 18 months and 24 months after the treatment. Evaluation criteria: compliance of the restoration shape with the anatomical shape of the tooth; marginal adhesion of the material; tightness of the border of the restorative material with tooth tissues; homogeneity of the material structure (presence of pores, signs of restoration delamination).
All studied groups of restorations of classes I and II according to Black, made of ReLight and Charisma Clinic materials, showed comparable clinical characteristics. When analyzing all criteria at all time points using Fisher's exact test, no statistically significant differences were found between the groups (p>0.05).
Russian-made light-curing composite material ReLight (SM DMT) is recommended for clinical use in the treatment of caries of lateral teeth in cavities of classes I and II according to Black as an alternative to imported analogues, not inferior to them in significant clinical characteristics.

Herpetic stomatitis is one of the most common diseases of the oral mucosa. About 95% of the total population of the planet are carriers of herpes virus infection. Medical records (form № 043/y) of 783 patients who sought dental care with a diagnosis of herpetic stomatitis were analyzed. Patients were divided into age groups 0-14, 15-17 and 18-60 years, as well as male and female. Of all those who applied with stomatitis, herpetic stomatitis was detected in 783 (26.3%) patients. Due to the emergence of a new coronavirus infection in 2020, the incidence of herpetic stomatitis and its share among other dental diseases has increased. With the advent of coronavirus infection, the incidence and prevalence of herpetic stomatitis among the population of the Avtozavodsky district of Togliatti has increased significantly.

According to the World Health Organization, the distal occlusion is the most common among other forms of dentition ratio abnormalities. In growing patients, active functional appliances have been used for many years at the first stage of treatment, the purpose of which is to change or redirect the growth of the lower jaw to correct an anomaly in the ratio of dentition. However, there is much debate today about the direct effect of these devices on skeletal growth.
The aim of this study was to increase the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment by introducing digital technologies for the diagnosis and planning of functional appliances for the treatment of distal occlusion in growing patients. Methods. 40 patients aged 9-11 years were divided into two groups. In group 1, patients were treated using Twin-block manufactured using the traditional method. In group 2, patients were treated with appliances manufactured using digital diagnostic methods and 3D-imaging. A control group of patients who did not receive orthodontic treatment was also monitored. Results. In groups 1 and 2, we observed an increase in the size of the mandible compared to the control group, while the results in group 2 were more significant. Go-Gn in group 2 increased by 7.4 mm, in group 1 by 4.25 mm, while in the group of patients without treatment the increase was insignificant – 2.2 mm. Conclusions. Thus, the use of digital technologies in the planning of orthodontic treatment and the manufacture of functional appliances in growing patients with distal occlusion gives a more predictable and significant result.

Analysis of orthopedic dentists' work experience with patients in need of orthopedic treatment for partial or complete absence of teeth, if present xerostomia of the oral cavity
Xerostomia is dry mouth that occurs as a result of a decrease (less than 0.2 ml/min) or complete cessation of salivation. Patients suffering from xerostomia are bothered by burning and itching (“burning mouth syndrome”), impaired taste, difficulty speaking, swallowing food (especially dry food), wearing dentures, and frequent injury to the oral mucosa. In this regard, the need for fluid increases, especially during meals, and there is a need for frequent use of products that maintain oral moisture. The prevalence of xerostomia in people of gerontological age, according to various authors, ranges from 10 to 61%, and xerostomia is more common in women. Providing orthopedic dental care to patients with tooth loss and concomitant xerostomia of the oral mucosa remains insufficiently effective. Quite often, it is not possible to achieve a long-term therapeutic effect when using removable denture structures (in the absence of the possibility of fixed prosthetics, or prosthetics supported by implants), due to the occurrence of various complications associated with the impact of the orthopedic structure itself and the structural material of its manufacture. This leads to a deterioration in dental health, and as a result, a decrease in the quality of life of patients. A questionnaire was developed and a survey of orthopedic dentists was conducted in dental clinics in the cities of Voronezh and Lipetsk. An analysis of the existing experience of orthopedic dentists with patients in need of orthopedic treatment of partial or complete absence of teeth in the presence of oral xerostomia was carried out.

Comparative assessment of the degree of expression of prosthetic bed tissue atrophy and bone tissue density in prosthetic replacement of terminal defects of dentition with partial removable dentures of various designs
Progressive tissue atrophy under the base of removable plate dentures is a pressing issue in modern dentistry. The aim of this study is to investigate the dependence of its intensity on the design features of the manufactured denture. In the course of the study, 90 patients were selected and divided into 3 equal groups. Patients from group A were rehabilitated using a removable plate denture of the original design, while patients from groups B and C were rehabilitated using dentures made of thermoplastics and acrylic polymers. After prosthetics, at the time of 6, 12, 18 months of the study, patients underwent CBCT and X-ray densitometry. Based on the data obtained, after statistical processing, average indicators for the groups for each time point were calculated. According to them, it was found that in patients from group A at the time of examination on month 6, the volume of bone tissue was on average greater than 2.83 mm³ and 7.9 mm³ than in patients from groups B and C. Similarly, at the time of examination on month 12, this difference was 5.77 and 10.37 mm³, and at the time of examination on month 18, 6.9 and 12.3 mm³. In turn, the densitometry results in group "A" at the time of examination on month 6 were better than the indicators of groups "B" and "C" by 19 and 39 units. At the time of examination on month 12, the densitometry indicators in group "A" were better than in groups "B" and "C" - by 30 and 50 units, and at the time of examination on month 18 - by 10 and 31 units, respectively. Thus, the study found that the removable plate denture of the original design allows to reduce the severity of atrophic processes occurring in the area of the prosthetic bed.

Comprehensive analysis of the physico-mechanical properties of polyesterephyrketone for its use in removable dentures based on dental implants
Rehabilitation of patients with complete absence of teeth using dental implants is associated with certain risks and difficulties that require the use of structural materials that will allow you to create durable, but not rigid dentures. The article provides data on a comparative analysis of the complex of physical and mechanical parameters of polyesterephyrketone, used as a material for the manufacture of removable dentures based on dental implants. An assessment was carried out on 10 parameters reflecting the most significant structural properties.

Currently, an urgent issue of dentistry is the preservation of the health of the elderly and senile population. According to WHO, patients aged 60 to 74 years belong to the elderly age group, from 75 to 89 years – to the senile. Important components of health in this category of patients are the improvement of orthopedic dental treatment, preservation of the integrity of existing teeth and the manufacture of high-quality dentures. In modern dentistry, it is noted that a large number of specialized measures are carried out, which are aimed at reducing the time of adaptation to removable dentures, treatment and prevention of complications from the tissues of the prosthetic bed. At the same time, the steady increase in complications and their intensity among elderly and senile patients with missing teeth remains quite high. The studied literature data indicate that currently the number of clinical studies conducted to analyze the adaptation of elderly and senile patients with missing teeth to removable plate prostheses is insufficient.

The paper shows the fundamental possibility of determining the surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate by amperometric sensors. The positive and negative sides of sodium dodecyl sulfate for humans and the outside world are shown, and attention is paid to its application in pharmacology and medicine. To determine sodium dodecyl sulfate in liquid media, amperometric sensors modified with a polymer molecular fingerprint (MMO) were used. The metrological characteristics of the sensors have been experimentally determined. The range of detectable surfactant concentrations was found to be 0.03 – 0.5 g/l and the detection limit was 0.015 g/l. The determination of the substance in aqueous solutions was carried out using the calibration graph method.

The literature notes that patients suffering from psoriasis experience changes in the intestinal microbiocenosis, which leads to increased permeability of the intestinal barrier, endointoxication and a pathological cascade of inflammation. Therefore, in the treatment of psoriasis, the use of dietary fiber, fermented milk bifido- and lacto-containing products, as well as sorbents is indicated. The study involved 10 patients aged 40 to 60 years with a diagnosis of vulgar psoriasis and a disease history of 10 to 20 years. This group of patients was prescribed a pectin-containing enterosorbent (composition: 60% apple pomace powder, 23% starch, 11% kaolin and 6% pectin from zostera sea grass), which has both sorption and prebiotic activity. To assess the intestinal microflora of patients with psoriasis and the effectiveness of the sorbent, a bacteriological analysis of feces was performed, which included quantitative and qualitative determination of bifidobacteria (Bifidobacterium), lactobacilli (Lactobacterium), bacteroides (Bacteroides), klebsiella (Klebsiella), staphylococci (Staphylococcus) and Escherichia coli. Our studies have confirmed that patients suffering from vulgar psoriasis have a clear decrease in the number of normal microflora representatives and an increase in opportunistic microorganisms, which causes the manifestation of a dysbiotic shift. It has been established that when taking the enterosorbent under study, the intestinal microbiome is normalized, normal microflora is restored, and opportunistic microorganisms are removed before the absorption of colony decay products through the intestinal walls into the blood. It is proposed to use a pectin-containing enterosorbent to correct the intestinal microflora and, as a result, reduce the pathological processes characteristic of psoriasis.

Фармацевтическая химия, фармакогнозия
The article analyzes the range of medicines purchased for the needs of the medical organization of Voronezh - “Voronezh City Clinical Emergency Hospital No. 10”. The sources of financing and the main suppliers of medicines were considered. The study found that the medical organization procures the necessary list of medicines in accordance with all modern standards of medical care.