Vol 27, No 3 (2024): Опубликован 27.09.2024



Avraamova O.G., Shevchenko O.V., Kulazhenko T.V., Goryacheva V.V., Akhmedova Z.R., Starodubova A.V., Lavrovskaya Y.A.


According to the data of epidemiological surveys, the prevalence and intensity of dental caries in children remains high [1-7], despite fundamental research into the etiology and pathogenesis of dental caries and the development of the principles of preventive action on this basis [3, 4, 5, 6]. Taking into account the priority of the preventive direction in dentistry, further development of approaches to effective planning of therapeutic and preventive measures taking into account local and systemic risk factors for the development of dental diseases is required. The aim is to improve the efficiency of diagnostics and prediction of the risk of dental caries and periodontal diseases in adolescent children. Material and methods. A comprehensive dental and anthropometric examination of 60 children 12-15 years old, who were divided into 2 groups: with normal body weight (I) and overweight (II) was carried out. We determined the level of oral hygiene, the intensity of dental caries, the number of foci of demineralisation (FD) by the transillumination method, detected the presence and degree of inflammation of periodontal tissues, recorded the type of oral fluid microcrystallisation (OFM) and its biochemical parameters - concentration of lysozyme, malonic dialdehyde (MD), activity of catalase, urease, elastase. In all children anthropometric indices with determination of body mass index were recorded. Study results and discussion. The level of oral hygiene in overweight adolescents (II) was lower than in children with normal body weight (I). The intensity of dental caries was significantly higher - 1.5 times higher than in the comparison group. FDs in group II were more than 3 times more frequent than in group I. The correlation of inflammation indicators in oral fluid - MD concentration and elastase activity with periodontal tissue condition was revealed; catalase activity was reduced by 45% (II), urease activity was increased by 7.07 times, lysozyme activity was reduced by 2.6 times. Conclusions. The necessity of including anthropometric indicators of a child in the development of an individual programme for the prevention of major dental diseases has been determined

Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2024;27(3):4-8
pages 4-8 views

Products of acid metabolism of plaque microflora as a factor determining the intensity of the carious process

Ippolitov Y.A., Kuchmenko T.A., Peleshenko E.I., Solaiman M.A., Ippolitov I.Y., Menzhulina D.A., Moody A.A., Rusanova T.A.


A new non-invasive method of rapid diagnostics of the presence and intensity of the carious process has been developed, using a portable electronic nose "MAG-8" as the starting material of the plaque scraping, and as the instrument base. Studies were performed on material obtained from volunteers who did not have visual signs of caries (n = 15) and patients who sought help for caries of varying intensity (n = 23).

The device used replaceable gas piezosensors with sorbents: carboxylated carbon nanotubes (sensor 1, area under the output curve S1), zirconyl nitrate (sensor 2, area under the output curve S2), hydroxyapatite (sensor 3, area under the output curve S3). Disclosed is a coefficient of intensity of the carious process K, calculated as a quotient of output areas of sensors.

It was found that the K value significantly differs in groups of patients formed in accordance with the degree of intensity of the dynamics of the carious process.

Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2024;27(3):9-13
pages 9-13 views

Analysis of restoration of bone tissue defects after tooth loss using bone plastic material

Kuznetsov D.E., Stepanov I.V., Chuguryan M.A., Podoprigora A.V.


It is hypothesized to improve the quality and rate of restoration of bone structure after damage to the bones of the facial region using osteoplastic materials. A study of patients of two groups, divided by the types of defects of the alveolar crest and the degree of bone atrophy, was performed under the condition of using bone material Bioplast Dent deproteinized. The obtained radiological and histological data indicate successful bone tissue regeneration and subsequent osteointegration regardless of the type and volume of the bone defect. The difference in CSF readings in patients of the first and second groups indicates a difference between the structural and qualitative characteristics of bone tissue on the upper and lower jaws, but does not affect the obtained augmentation result. To achieve a stable result of augmentation on the upper jaw, an increase in the period of osteoregeneration by 2 months is required in comparison with the lower one before dental implantation.

Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2024;27(3):14-19
pages 14-19 views


Zheleznyak V.A., Morozova E.V., Kovalevsky A.M., Latif I.I., Vorobyova J.B.


The purpose of the study: to assess the dynamics of the prevalence of oral diseases in 1995-2023 and to determine the structure of dental morbidity among applicants to the Military medical academy. Materials and methods. 589 young people aged 16-25 years were examined, including 518 boys and 71 girls, the results were analyzed in comparison with the data of a similar dental examination of 1109 boys and 107 girls in 1995. The results of the study revealed a decrease in the percentage of young men in need of oral sanitation from 70.00±1.38% to 52.12±2.20% (p<0.001), among girls the decrease in this indicator turned out to be insignificant (53.3±4.85% and 50.70±5.98%, p>0.05), a decrease in the number of those in need of professional oral hygiene: in in 1995, 70.24±1.37% of boys and 68.22±4.52% of girls, in 2023 – 47.30±2.20% (p<0.001) and 45.07±5.95% (p<0.05), respectively. However, mineralized dental deposits were found in a significantly higher percentage of cases in 2023 than in 1995, both in boys (18.80±1.17% and 38.01±2.13%, respectively, p<0.001) and in girls (21.50±3.99% and 43.66±5.93%, respectively, p<0.05). Compared with 1995, in 2023, significantly more cases of non-carious dental lesions were detected: among boys 11.54±0.96% and 22.39±1.83% (p<0.001), respectively, among girls 10.28±2.95% and 52.11±5.97% (p<0.001), with cases of local enamel hypoplasia prevailing – 9.85±1.31% among boys and 5.63±2.76% among girls. The prevalence of malocclusion in 2023 increased significantly compared to 1995: from 5.4±0.68% to 29.15±2.00%, respectively, among boys (p<0.001) and among girls from 6.54±2.39% to 29.58±5.46%, respectively (p<0.001).

Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2024;27(3):20-27
pages 20-27 views

The polyacrylic construction material choosing for the temporary crowns manufacture in patients with gastric and duodenum ulcer disease

Abu Abeid A.K., Podoprigora А.V., Popov P.A., Комарова J.N., Podoprigora D.V., Крецу V.A.


The article discusses a possible solution to the problem of replacement treatment of occlusally significant defects in hard dental tissues at the stage of temporary prosthetics in terms of choosing an acrylic structural material for the manufacture of crowns in a special category of patients - with concomitant peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. The comprehensive study included two stages. The task of the first stage was to analyze the risk relationship of a negative result of prosthetics in the presence of these forms of chronic gastrointestinal pathology, and vice versa, the risk of its exacerbation when implementing temporary prosthetics. The objective of the second stage was to analyze the possibility of increasing the results of the temporary prosthetics stage in a thematic group of patients by replacing the “traditional” material for their production of artificial crowns -  in the form of the “standard” polymer methyl methacrylate (MMA) in its pure form -  by a highly filled nanohybrid composite material with a polymer matrix of an alternative composition - based on a combination of polymers bis-phenol A-diglycidyl methacrylate (BisGMA) and triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA). The methodological basis of the study included 3 sequential groups of methods: 1) obtaining direct (particular) indicators - color, surface, marginal adaptation, anatomical shape, secondary caries or the condition of the stump of the abutment tooth, the phenomenon of macro- and microinflammation of the contact mucosa, deterioration of the course of prosthetics and concomitant gastrointestinal pathology, de-fixation (clinical examination, optical macro- and microscopy, cytological and macrohistochemical techniques, reflective spectrophotometry, non-contact optical profilometry, dental computed cone-beam tomography), fibrogastroduodenoscopy), 2) performing multi-criteria assessments of the quality of prosthetics and calculating its integral indicators for the complex direct (partial) indicators - system of criteria Ryge G. (1980), 3) statistical processing and analysis of the obtained (direct and calculated) indicators (calculation of the frequency of events in relative units, nonparametric variation statistics, analysis of contingency tables, comparison of observed and expected frequencies) . The results of both stages of the study were an effective solution to the objectives.

Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2024;27(3):28-36
pages 28-36 views

Problems of orthopedic rehabilitation with removable dentures for patients with end defects of dental area

Guskov A.V., Malikov S.D., Oleynikov A.A., Shuvalov N.M.


This article raises the issue of orthopedic rehabilitation of patients with terminal defects of the dentition. The authors identified the degree of relevance of the problem under study, after which a review of 40 relevant scientific sources was carried out. Based on the results of a literature review conducted by a team of authors, it was found that today there is no optimal design of removable dentures. In particular, existing removable dentures require long-term adaptation of the patient, cause continuous progressive atrophy of the prosthetic bed, and can cause muscle-articular dysfunction. In addition, due to the metal elements included in the composition, removable dentures can cause galvanosis. Also, the authors came to the conclusion that in clinical practice there is a certain category of patients who have contraindications to fixed prosthetic methods. It was found that in the case when patients from this category apply to replace the end defects of the dentition with a small number of supporting teeth, orthopedic rehabilitation with currently existing removable dentures is difficult. 

Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2024;27(3):37-43
pages 37-43 views


Participation of the farnesoid X receptor in the regulation of the OATP1B1 transporter protein when exposed to S-nitrosoglutathione in vitro

Suchkova O.N., Abalenikhina J.V., Shchulkin A.V., Gadzhieva F.T., Uzbeks M.G., Yakusheva E.N.


Polypeptide transporting organic anions (OATP1B1) is an influx transporter protein localized mainly in the liver and transporting xenobiotics and medicinal substances. The farnesoid X receptor (FXR) is one of the main transcription factors regulating the expression of OATP1B1. Nitric oxide is an important signaling molecule, but its effect on the transporter protein has not been studied. The aim is to study the effect of the NO – S-nitrosoglutathione donor on OATP1B1 and the role of FXR in this process. The study was conducted on cells of the HepG2 line. During the experiment, it was found that S-nitrosoglutationin concentrations of 10, 50 and 100 μМ (72 h) has no cytotoxic effect, causes an increase in the level of nitric oxide (II) metabolites and causes an increase in the relative amount of OATP1B1, which is suppressed by inhibition of FXR by tauro-β-cholic acid. Thus, the results obtained demonstrate the inducing effect of the nitric oxide (II) donor – S-nitrosoglutathione (10, 50, 100 μМ) on the relative amount of OATP1B1, whose participation is mediated by the farnesoid X receptor.  

Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2024;27(3):44-50
pages 44-50 views

The comparative study of influence of a new composition enterosorbent on biochemical mapkers of blood in psoriatic patients

Ryabinina E.I., Zotova E.E., Ryabinin S.V.


Psoriasis belongs to the most widespread and severe form of dermatosis, which leads to change in epidermis and other tissues. In patients with such pathology endotoxication, connected with increase of intestine permeability, takes place as a result of change in microbiocenosis, and that is why the application of sorbents is highly recommended. 

In our investigation we used the comparative study of effectiveness of applications of a new pectin-containing enterosorbent (composition: 60% powder of apples squeeze, 23% starch, 11% kaolin, and 6% pectin of sea weed eel grass) and preparation Polysorb MP during psoriatic intoxication. 

Investigation was held in 2 groups of patients, 5 people in each, with diagnosis psoriasis vulgaris (the age from 40 to 60), the terms of disease from 10 to 20 years, and signs of metabolic syndrome (MS). The first group of patients took Polysorb MP as addition to the main standard scheme of treatment, in the second group, a new pectin-containing enterosorbent was added to the main recommended scheme. To test the effectiveness of drug action, the following biochemical markers were used: the level of malonic dialdehyde (MDA) and circulating immune complexes (CIC) in blood plasma, the level of protein fractions of blood and α1-antitripsin activity. 

Our investigations have proved, that in both groups the biochemical markers of blood got closer to the normal range and reached approximately equal values, and that shows the effectiveness of application of a new sorbent, which is as good as popular Polysorb MP. At the same time, a new developed enterosorbent, containing a great amount of dietary fibers, antioxidants, vitamin C and P-active compounds, shows not only sorption action, but also forces the regular cleansing of intestine, microflora restoration, enrichment by antioxidants and fits to psoriatic patients with metabolic syndrome, as an intensity of free-radical processes increases in their bodies. 

Applied Information Aspects of Medicine (Prikladnye informacionnye aspekty mediciny). 2024;27(3):51-56
pages 51-56 views

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