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The computer perimetry is increasingly increasingly extended in the diagnostics of eye diseases. The sensitivity and functional activity of the retina before and after the shift of the metallurgical production operators was studied.
The development of the muscle fatigue and the weakening of the accommodation is connected directly.
The direct dependence between the length of service and the development of astenopia in the form of lowering of the positive part and the total volume of the relative accommodation was revealed. The working with video display terminal leads to the deterioration in indices and it is reflected in increasing of the time research, per cent of mistakes, the minimum response time and in reducing of the sensitivity of the central zone of the retina.

About the authors

A V Budnevskiy

I S Afendulova

I A Zakharova

I S Afendylova

Eye Center, Lipetsk

Eye Center, Lipetsk

I A Zakharova

Voronezh N.N. Burdenko state medical academy

Voronezh N.N. Burdenko state medical academy

A V Budnevskiy

Voronezh N.N. Burdenko state medical academy

Voronezh N.N. Burdenko state medical academy

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