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Author Guidelines

Dear Colleagues!

We invite you to place your work on the pages of scientific electronic journals of the V.G. N.N. Burdenko of the Ministry of Health of Russia "Scientific Medical Bulletin of the Central Chernozem Region".

The publication is registered by the RF Ministry of Communications and Informatization as a network electronic scientific publication.

The journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).

Materials are accepted for printing in the form of a full-text article, no less than 5 pages (standard - 65-70 characters per line, 30 lines per page).

The article should be structured according to the scheme of scientific work and contain the following headings: relevance, material and research methods, results obtained and their discussion, conclusions, literature.

After the Russian-language text, a translation into English of the surnames and initials of the authors, the title of the article, the name of the department of execution, summary, keywords, list of references must be placed.

The full text of the article ends with the heading "information about the authors".

Articles are accepted by the executive editor Peleshenko Elena Ivanovna at the address: Voronezh, st. Student, 10 "a", educational and laboratory building of the medical academy named after Burdenko, room 206 (second floor) or E-Mail tel. 8 (903) 854 53 69

Submission form - electronic version and one printed copy with a visa of the head of the department.

The order of execution: Initials and Surnames of the authors separated by commas, centered, hyphenation in words is not allowed; Title - capital letters, located in the center of the line, hyphenation in words is not allowed; The name of the department or department in which the work was performed; resume in Russian; keywords. The text of the article follows.

The section "information about the authors" includes:

Full Name

academic degree

academic rank

position held

Place of work

Contact information (e-mail; phone)

The main text is designed in Times New Roman font, size 14, line spacing one and a half, margins - 30 mm left, 15 mm right, top and bottom 20 mm each. The first line of a paragraph is indented. Place tables and figures directly in the text.



A.A. Ivanov, B.V. Petrov


Voronezh   State Medical University


Keywords: high school, educational process, adaptation, students, affective disorders.


  1. Source
Information about authors: Alexander Alexandrovich Ivanov - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with each of the following items, and submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines may be returned to the authors.

  • This article has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted for review or publication in another journal (otherwise explain this in the Notes to the Editor).

  • The submitted manuscript file is in Microsoft Word or RTF format - * .doc, * .docx, * .rtf.

  • Internet links are provided as full URLs

  • The text is typed with a single line spacing, font Times New Roman, 12 pt; italics are used for emphasis, not underlining (except for Internet links); all illustrations, graphs and tables are located in the text where the meaning is required (and not at the end of the document).

  • The text complies with the stylistic and bibliographic requirements of the Guide for Authors located in the "About Us" section.

  • We removed the names of the authors from the title of the article and fulfilled other requirements of the document Ensuring Anonymity during Review.


Copyright Notice

Условием публикации в журнале Научно-медицинский вестник Центрального Черноземья является предоставление автором эксклюзивных прав на данную рукопись издательству. Это гарантирует, что запросы от третьих сторон на воспроизведение статей будут решаться эффективно и последовательно, и также позволит распространить статью максимально широко. Авторы могут использовать собственный материал в других публикациях, при условии, что журнал Научно-медицинский вестник Центрального Черноземья признается, как первоначальное место публикации (цитируется журнал Научно-медицинский вестник Центрального Черноземья). В свою очередь, Редакция обязуется гарантировать, что никакая информация о рукописи не будет предоставлена до её публикации кому-либо, кроме самого автора, рецензентов и издателя. 

Обратите внимание, что, предоставляя статью для публикации, вы подтверждаете, что являетесь автором статьи/предоставляющим автором, и что издательство может сохранить ваш адрес электронной почты для общения с вами по вопросам, связанным со статьёй. Если изменились ваши контактные данные, немедленно поставьте в известность издательство. Если ваша статья принята к публикации, редактор свяжется с вами по адресу электронной почты, который вы использовали в процессе регистрации. Редакция не сохраняет копии отклонённых статей. 


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The names and addresses specified by you when registering on this site will be used solely for technical purposes: contact with you or with reviewers (editors) in the process of preparing your article for publication. They will in no way be provided to other individuals and organizations.


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